Unfortunately you see how some so called conservatives treat her. Shes probably the single firmest conservative in the race and there are pathetic morons right here in this thread calling her crazy just like leftists.
You’re absolutely right on all counts.
This country is about to find out how right she is.
They’re doing exactly the same as the left has done with Sarah Palin.
Seizing on one small issue she’s brought up and treating it as if it were her whole campaign and ignoring other things like the fact that she wants to eliminate the Department of Education and return schools to local control.
The fact is that she wisely suggests keeping an eye on Cuba and continuing to treat them as an enemy because the are. Its a far cry from saying she wants to go to war with them but she’s a lot more in line with the apparently forgotten Monroe Doctrine.
Sure the mideast is important, but we’ve been neglecting our own back yard for far too long and its going to bite us.
It’s amazing aint it?
So many “conservatives” live on their knees, lips wrapped around the useful idiot propaganda spigot, sucking down and swallowing whatever the leftardic msm thought bosses pump into them.
The herd needs culling.