I do know what you’re saying...you’re just wrong. You advocate choosing the lesser of 2 evils and not remove Obama at all costs. I’m saying I’d love to get rid of Obama too, but if his replacement is another liberal then we really haven’t made much progress.
If you think there are substantial differences between Romney and Obama then you are simply incapable of logical thought and are a RINO lover.
I never said there was hardly no difference between McCain and Obama, and I did vote for McCain. Romney is a different story.
I advocate voting for the Republican, whoever that might be, precisely BECAUSE it means removing Obama at all costs. I do not trust any Democrat. We did not know in 2008 how bad Obama would be and McCain was my dead-last choice. McCain has absolutely no redeeming value. You know what? I would’ve crawled on broken glass to vote for him. I don’t know if Romney will get the nomination, but if he does I’ll crawl on broken glass to vote for him also.
I have no honest idea how you can make the suggestion that Romney would govern in any way like Obama has. There would be no healthcare bill crushing private industry. There would be no mountain of regulations crushing private industry. Gas prices would almost certainly not be as high as they are. Would we still have debt problems? Most likely. They are not even remotely close to being the same. Not at all.
Look, the simple truth is this: If you’re part of the conservative base and you don’t vote Republican, you’re helping Obama.