Nothing wrong with that...every good singer gets one. It's just that the Sarah cult can't stand any criticism of her.
I think the problem is that Palin gets such unfair criticism using partial info and lib talking points. When I have posted a few of her accomplishments as Governor, something the MSM has hidden, posters are surprised. All anyone knows is what the libs have said.
Then to have other conservatives come along and lambaste her with incorrect info is rather galling.
Let’s talk your you know what is a main negative for him?
He drop’s his g’s sad huh that people would consider that a negative eh? Plus he is showing extreme weakness now in the latest polling data.
Now you know what else. He had two weeks of exposure and has two more weeks of serious vetting to go.
Do you want to make a wager on what his polling numbers are by the end of October?
Put your damn as idiocy on the line there my feathered socialist....let’s see if you actually warrant being called a rooster. My guess though is your pullet and even a hen one at that.