I swerved to avoid what I thought was a cat in the road. Afterward I realized that it was a huge rat. I did a U-turn in my 67 Ford Galaxie 500 and tried to hit it on another next pass, but it jumped out of the way at the last minute. I made a couple of more attempts before the rat took a right turn and ran up the gated road that goes to Cheney Stadium. I got out of the car as the rat trotted under the gate. My girl friend at the time got out also. I started throwing rocks at it. When I hit him with one, he turned around and charged us. My girlfriend and I had to take a few steps back, but I managed to hit him with another rock and the rat decided he'd had enough and ran up the hill toward Foss High School and took refuge in some bushes. He was a worthy adversary; I felt a little bad about harassing him.