I thought the HCTZ had to be combined with something else. Mine is HCTZ and Lisinopril.
Back in Feb. I got my yearly blood test. The regular doc told me my liver enzymes levels were 10 times higher than normal. Specialist time.
Major blood work.
Then an ultrasound.
Then they called and wanted a biopsy.
But they weren’t telling me anything. So I went back in to see the doc. I told him I needed to know what they were looking at/for. No insurance. Limited funds. I told him if they thought it was cancer I wasn’t spending another dime on his worthless butt. What?? No man, if you tell me I’m done I’m not spending another dime on useless doctors, I’m going to Disneyworld...
And I do have a (serious) chronic liver disease and it’s prolly gonna kill me. But the kicker is I was taking a stop smoking drug and it was what elevated the enzyme levels. And when they started all this testing that no smoking thing went right the hell out the window...
I don’t trust that lisinopril at all. It weirded me all out.