This is FreeRepublic - what fun would it be if we can’t pass judgment? ;)
DO NOT go to a third party to solve this.
Have her get into a Dave Ramsey class immediately.
They will tell her to save $1000 for an emergency fund (so that she isnt living too close to the edge).
She will then organize her debt from lowest to highest and begin paying it off. Call the other companies and let them know what is happening - they wont be happy - but they will eventually be paid.
Her credit rating is going to get dinged (but nothing can stop that now). The other companies will hound her (do not avoid them - but give them a consistent message that you are paying off your debt and they will get theirs soon).
My wife and I paid off $33,412 in debt in 8 months. It was INCREDIBLY hard - but we did it and are now on our way to total financial freedom - I had no idea it felt this good!
Good luck.
I’m not familiar with the Ramsey classes, but a third party solution saved my butt. 10 years ago now. I believe it was with Trinity, then later with Cambridge. They stopped the escalating rates, penalties, etc. and I was able to gain ground.
I did pay them for their service, but I was thrilled. iirc, I paid 45 a month for the service for about 30 months...12,000 approx in debit and climbing, until I hired Trinity.
Nice to hear. Good luck towards your goal...