Dont let the food stamps statistic fool you. The reason more people are on food stamps is because of expanded eligibility. This is creeping socialism, pure and simple.
There is also a more pragmatic reason for expanded eligibility. Affirmative Action college "students", hooked on three free meals daily from HeadStart-K-12 expect the benefits to continue indefinitely, so it has been expanded there. Also, with engineered higher food prices, to keep the feral classes from revolting, the inflation is hidden from them in the form of Section 8, food stamps, energy and utility subsidies et al.
Finally, the expanded eligibility allows formerly two-income households the ability and ease to stay on unemployment for as long as the benefits last. Since the Fe'ral Government is actively encouraging people to stay unemployed, the States aren't seeing normally employable men and women looking for work, rather preferring to stay unemployed and draw down on State budgets which causes the individual States to beg DC for "stimulus money" and any other form of cash to put off the inevitable.
This is an engineered destruction of the united States and this is one of many tools used by them to accomplish their task of destroying a people and their nation.
Why are they not required to pay it all back? This program should be a loan program. Just don't charge interest. A small handling fee would suffice. Welfare should be the same way!
If this were in place, there would be far less scamming it, and those who try to skip out on their debt, should be penalized and charged interest by the IRS or an agency like them if we ever go to a flat tax system.
This needs to be said again.
And they had a good start with the FED, and the policies of FDR. DeathCare is just the latest in a long string of building blocks used to destroy us.