They don’t take credit cards. If you make the mistake of getting on a toll road without any cash, you’re screwed. You have to stop at a booth and tell them your situation, and then they give you an address to send the toll to to prevent getting a much larger bill. You have to send cash or check.
Returning to the Denver Airport I mistakenly exited prematurely without paying, realized my mistake and informed the agent at the next exit so I could pay it. He refused and told me, for some odd reason that this was done when I returned my rental car; at Budget, they said they knew nothing about it, and only provided me with an (800) number to call. Long story short, after returning home I wound up having to pay $8.00- 8x the toll.
I had to send them a check once. I was heading ffrom MD to Michigan and forgot to load up with cash. (It was a frequent trip and had become pretty routine) The PA EZ Pass wasn’t working. They actually blamed it on the rain.