I don’t like a lot of modern music. I am not a fan of the Peas, but their music sells. Amazing, to me, but it does.
I know a little about performing, and it seemed to me the sound guy from the show really did a bad job. Probably a football field doesn’t have the best acoustics, but I don’t think the performers heard a thing on that stage. There’s a certain “sound” bands have when they aren’t hearing themselves.
I know I am an old fossil, but once there was this guy named John Phillip Sousa, whose name and music will be around long after no one knows who the Black Eyed Peas were.
If I’m not wrong, isn’t the Black Eyed Peas on the radio A LOT? I don’t think that the Black Eyed Peas really sell a lot of Albums. But, I guess after hearing a song on the radio 100 times, people fell compelled to download the single.