My part-time job in the winter months when my business is dormant is selling appliances. Avoid the new HE top-loaders. They are mostly unproven new technology. Older style top loaders are old tech that is pretty well time tested. Whirlpool are my favs there. Avoid GE and frigidaire. But they use a lot of water.
Front loaders I like are the higher end Whirlpool/maytag. Avoid low end whirlpool/maytag. Also like electolux and Bosch and samsung. Avoid GE, frigidaire and LG. I don’t like them at all. If you get front....always use HE, if you use regular detergent it will screw them up.
That is my observation from selling them and seeing what comes bakc as junk
If you were to spend a grand on a new set, what would it be?