I’m not rejecting the information that in your experience “conservative” college kids don’t love Palin.
I just find it to be more of the same old same old. I’m OK with them not loving her. It fits my world view perfectly.
Separating real conservatives from those with a transient definition of what conservative means is one of the benefits of having Palin on our National stage.
Well, I’d hardly call them “transient.” For example, you’re talking about people involved in YAF, who tend to be the most conservative of kids; many go to schools such as Liberty, GMU, Grove City, and Hillsdale. Some of them include people like Jason Mattera, author of “Obama Zombies,” or the two that blew the whistle on ACORN. I’m not saying they in particular do or don’t like Palin, I’m just saying this is the level of college students that I routinely interact with, and their experiences can hardly be blown off as having “transient definitions” of conservatism. Most of them, while not as articulate as someone like Rush, have pretty well developed concepts of conservatism.