Was the 2007 polling right in 2008? Lemme ask President Rudy...err Hillary about that...
Oh, yeah, and McCain was REALLY popular with independents in those polls too.
Can we please just have the damn primary without every smarty-pants trying to save us all from ourselves? If Palin’s a big bag of fail, she has no chance of winning the primary.
Saying that the polls are wrong is where you and I have both gone wrong in the past. But pretending that polls are static is even more foolish. Trying to pick a nominee by general election polls two years out from the election is insanity. It’s those kind of silly attempts at pragmatism that always get us sure losers like McCain in the general.
We should stop worrying about who CAN win and start worrying about who SHOULD win. It’ll make for a lot more productive arguments anyway. :)
And since my message (as often seems to happen) gets buried under what people think I said, it is this: there are clearly, when one looks at poll after poll, issues with Palin. So in discussing who SHOULD win, maybe we ought to ask, "what is it that is generating that hostility among certain large swaths of the electorate?" If it is message, then we won't win with anyone and nominate whomever. I don't think it is. As I said, I think there is a personality issue here that transcends her perceived position on issues. That would be important to know, wouldn't you think?
Two years out from the general election, I have to agree fully with that sentiment. Which is why I firmly believe that rumors of Sarah's political death are greatly exaggerated.
And it begs the question: why are so many so willing to believe such patently obvious attempts at manipulation? Why pay ANY attention to media hype which is solely intended to engineer a scenario where they (the media) determine who CAN win?
All before the first primary has occurred? Screw them.