I’m a specialist in World War II, in particular, industrial mobilization and logistics. Recently, I’ve been concentrating a lot on treaty law and Lend Lease—I’m trying to drum up funding for a six-month stay in Moscow to check out how Lend Lease aid was utilized by the Soviet Union. I’ll get another book out of it, and I seriously like researching this sort of thing.
I am currently reading Rhodes book on the Einsatzgruppen activities in the east during barbarossa...DVR’d a NatGeo special recently on the same subject, and was surprised to see Rhodes interviewed during the program.
I visited the museum at Dachau a few months ago while on a business trip to munich, and it re-fired my interest in this particular subject.
am just recently delving into Roman history in greater detail...am finding that fascinating, also.
I am also a WWII junkie...started in grade school with aircraft, and expanded from there. I am still an aircraft junkie.....although I have expanded that passion into jets over the years. Still like the warbirds, though.
I spent alot of time studying barbarossa and the ensuing conflict.
Just recently started to delve into Roman history, and am finding that fascinating, too..