so a person has to carry their padd and a keyboard? and a stand?"
Exactly the opposite - so a person doesn't have to carry them when not needed.
"or a padd with it all built in."
Yep, I'm sure I'd appreciate the extra weight and bulk when I'm reading in bed...not. Not to mention the durability issues.
"and we have not even found out if this will have sd slots, usb slots, and a camera."
I do hope the competition will be sufficient to get Apple to open up the iPad a bit, the ports and expansion are a bit weak.
I'm in agreement. I love my iPad, using it for browsing FR anywhere anytime is a breeze. But I wish it had a USB port. I've got the camera adapter so I can port files, but lots of non-camera USB devices aren't seen. Would be nice to connect a TV-USB stick to tune in TV broadcasts as I do with my MacBook. Or many other USB devices. Apple needs to unlock that expansion port.