At issue would be legal claims upon you under the jurisdiction of The Netherlands. You would be subject to their law while in that nation. You could be drafted.
This is not acceptable for the President and Commander-in-Chief of the US military. Every other elected office is open to those who are other than natural-born citizens, with certain age and length of residency requirements that vary with the level of the particular elected office.
I have never voted in a election of the Netherlands. I have been there many times on vacation visiting my grandmother and other family members.
I have never voted in a election of the Netherlands. I have been there many times on vacation visiting my grandmother and other family members.
If we really want to get technical, every person in the USA, unless they are an American Indian would be subject to the jurisdiction of the country of where their families originally came from.
“You would be subject to their law while in that nation. You could be drafted.
This is not acceptable for the President and Commander-in-Chief of the US military.”
First of all, being subject to the laws of other nations has no bearing on whether you are also subject to U.S. law. For instance, U.S. citizens can travel to foreign countries, be subject to their laws while there, and never be in doubt as to whether their citizenship status has changed.
Secondly, that’s the big concern? That the Dutch army will draft our president? Thereby...what? Leaving us without a commander in chief and therefore susceptible to invasion? Who cares? We’d just tell them to go suck a lemon.