Well, Silvie, we now know the truth about the Salahis and the slippery way they try to defend themselves. Last night’s reunion leaves little doubt in their pathology. It’s hard to tell if there is another season coming up but it’s clear that Stacey is on board. Your thoughts?
One thing that I realized last night was at how Tareq Salahi behaves around women. He is clearly intimidated by them. Not only that — my deep suspicions that he abuses Michaele, both mentally, emotionally and physically, were answered last night. This guy is an emotional train wreck, and he’s dragging Michaele down with him.
She still has NO IDEA who he is and what an a**hole he is. The hand holding, the lovey-dovey kissing, etc. is just sickening. If she could just WAKE UP and see what Lynda, Mary and the others see — that Tareq is a punk, a slimeball and so abusive.
Like I told you before, I can tell these guys from a mile away. I dated this kind back in the 1990s. Tareq’s body language, demeanor and deep fury and anxiety is reminiscent to me of the men in my past. It was a horrible time in my life.
Tareq has so much anger inside of him that I actually fear for Michaele’s life.
I LAUGHED when Michaele told Andy that she knew that something was not “clicking” between Cat and Charles... that there was no “spark” there. She clearly lives in a fantasy world that is being fed by Tareq. He knows what a bumbling idiot she is, and he’s playing along psychological games with her.
BRING ON SEASON # 2!!!!!!!!!!!