Granny conveniently dies right in the middle of the election (supposedly). Lia, his hired companion, unexpectedly but conveniently dies right in the middle of spilling state secrets.
OMG, the list of the conveniently dead goes on and on:
S. Ann dies right as he begins his political career and Ayers writes his fictional “auto”biography for him
Madelyn dies no sooner is he elected, after being held incommunicado throughout the campaign
Lia dies as she’s being interviewed by journalists, perhaps because Obama is scheduled to visit Indonesia, but he mysteriously cancels the trip, several times
Donald Young is murdered, during the controversy over Larry Sinclair’s allegations, before he could spill the beans
Lt. Quarles Harris, Jr. murdered, key witness in the passport breach investigation
I’m sure that I’ve missed some names. Anyway, this would make a good name for a goth rock group: The Conveniently Dead.