Why ?
I respect your opinion. But every time I ask someone why they have that opinion, I never get a logical answer. So why ?
I think resigning from governor, although I understand her reasoning, will hurt her. Plus she will unfortunately be battling the headwinds of whether a woman should be president, especially one with a needy child. On the plus side, she seems to have a good understanding of foreign policy and economics, and the cajones to lead, which I hope whoever the candidate is, has a good grasp, so to speak, on all those.
If I may respectfully interject, the answer is because the MSM has been so successful in painting her as a "right-wing" extremist, rather than the Constitutional patriot she is, and therefore has little chance of winning against the Dims and their MSM-backed machine. The historical benefits of our heritage of our Constitutional principles simply don't exist in so many minds.
It is becoming more clear by the day that an increasing percentage of the American populace wants more and more Fedgov stuff, and will probably continue to grow until key STATES say enough! STATES' RIGHTS IS THE ONLY WAY BACK! I've been preaching this for years.
Governor Palin says no to the "gimmes". She tries to articulate why the growing socialist leviathan will ultimately be bad for ALL, but other than us Constitutionalists/Conservatives, few are listening...and again, to the success of the MSM not supporting the ideals and values that made this Nation the envy of the World.
Wishful thinking: A Republican "stealth candidate" who runs on a moderate platform to bring the squishy middle in and take the WH. Then, he/she forsakes his moderate campaign rhetoric and does what he can to restore Constitutional principles, while risking a second term.
Personally, I can't think of any who would have the "cojones" to do such, other than Palin and a couple of others. Even then, I don't trust any politician as far as I can throw them. BTW, Newt and Mitt and Huckabe, don't even think about it in 2012.