I’m sure you didn’t mean to offend, but tyranny from the Right repels as much, and as instantly, as tyranny from the Left, of which we have all had plenty lately. Sarah has overcome too much to have anyone force feed her down our throats. She can stand on her own and take the competition without a fan trying to direct money out of the hands of other worthy conservative candidates of the people’s choices.
Sarah simply has a ways to go yet, before we throw everyone else overboard. For one, she needs to stand in a broader venue beyond only her base, her PAC, and her Facebook page, or preaching to the choir on FOX.
Is that too much to ask?
Any Republican who rejects Sarah Palin is not worth a bucket of warm spit. There is no way they could be a good candidate.
I think she is trying to speak directly to the people and get beyond the MSM filter. Which is the smart thing to do.