Why do you insist that she is the only choice?
Very good question the needs to be answered. Why is she a better and more qualified choice than:
Michelle Bachmann
Jeff Sessions
Chris Christie
Bobby Jindal
Haley Barbour
Eric Cantor
Duncan Hunter
Duncan D Hunter
Tom Tancredo
Newt Gingrich
John Boehner
Mike Pence
David Patreaus
Fred Thompson
Bob McConnell
Richard Shelby
Jim DeMint
John Thune
Orrin Hatch
Mitch McConnell
Byron Dorgan
Aaron Schock
Sam Brownback
Tom McClintock
Mark Levin
Ann Coulter
Sean Hannity
Alvin Greene
Zombie Reagan
SpongeBob Squarepants
And before he says none of these is running yet, neither is Sarah.