I was a writer for Rodney.
Thank you for the entertainment. : )
You were one of Rodney’s writers? Holy you know what! That is so cool. So, tell us, was he a nice guy, or was he funny on stage but a jerk in private? Was he generous or cheap?
Can you tell us one or two of your favorite jokes? That you wrote? How does one write jokes? Do you spar back and forth with someone or can you sit in a room by yourself and think them up? Are you funny in real life? Was your family funny? Do you still write for comedians?
Oh, one more question, can one make a good living writing jokes? Do you get something like residuals?
So many questions, but I love to laugh and think it’s quite an art.
My friend and I still talk about Dr. Vinnie Boombotz.
I have heard another comedian who worked with him say that Rodney himself is one of the greatest comedy writers of all time.