My user name is in honor of one of the all-time greats and I joined right around the time he passed away.
I’ve always liked Don Rickles and the wife liked the late Bill Hicks.
Buddy Hackett would make me howl with laughter
Sometimes the funniest ones aren’t really comedians at all. For me, there’s nothing funnier than the Statler Brothers’ Road Hog routines - they make me laugh until I cry. Beats all full time comedians hands down. Also love Don Bowman, especially his Tiajuana Drum and Bugle Corps album, and Whispering Country.
Foster Brooks
Gotta say George Carlin ... and I don’t mean the “7 Dirty Words” Carlin or the later ‘pissed off angry’ Carlin, but the earlier “Take Offs and Put Ons” Carlin ... man, what a funny album that is :)
Tim Conway, Red Skelton. How’s that for ageing myself?
I liked Dennis Leary when he first appeared.
It’s hard to top Joe Biden.
The Brooks boys:
Mel Brooks
Albert Brooks
Either one of them can keep me laughing my ass off any time.
George Carlin, until about the middle-eighties.
Rip Taylor--don't make me explain, the dude just makes me laugh hard.
Kevin Meany
Sarah Silverman--I expected to hate her, but her line about the movie 300 had me choking with laughter, and then her bit about Joe Franklin got me for good.
Richard Pryor--just brilliant.
My #1 pick has to be Rodney Dangerfield. His gimmick--that he was a loser, and the jokes were at his expense--was kind of the reverse of Don Rickles (who I found funny until I was about 10, then for some reason he didn't make me laugh anymore). On one of his records, the laughs just keep coming until the audience applauds, as if they just need him to stop talking so they can get their collective breath back.
I've seen some of the current crop who are supposedto make me laugh, and with the exception of Silverman, they don't.
Pablo Francisco is pretty funny in my view.
And Eddie Murphy, before he started making bad movies, and playing talking donkeys, was hilarious on “Delirious” still cracks me up after all these years.
Who is your or has been your really awful grammar school teacher?
...And this time I mean it!
Carol Burnett , Johnny Carson and Red Skleton
the ONLY 3 people alive that could get my father to laugh.
Jonathan Winters, especially when he ad libs.