In the first and second part of this series, we have looked at the forged COLB as presented and shown the irregularities between an actual one issued by the State of Hawaii and the ones presented by TheDailyKos, Fight the Smears [FTS], and FactCheck. Now for the blank template itself and the simple question. How or why would a blank ‘Certification of Live Birth’ be showing any indications of a SEAL present on it. Here is the original Blank Hawaiian template that has been circulating on the internet. Notice that the blanked out certificate number is identical to the one posted on FTS. The process for the issuance of a Birth Certificare or Certification of Live Birth, is that the data is printed out on via a printer, the information checked and verified and then a Seal from the issuing authority and signiture is applied. So the question remains, how does a blank certification of live birth exist with anomolies exist. Here is a Hawaiian Blank Template with filters applied to bring out the anomolies in the area where an embossed seal is normally applied and the date stamp. Note this is also the same date that appears on the Obama COLB. Here is the Hawaiian Blank COLB. Note that the Certificate number is blacked out and the date stamp is visible Jun 6 2007. I recieved several comments that asked me to post the Hawaiian Blank template.
Here are three different images showing the anomalies in the area that a SEAL would be applied. All on the blank template.
Now we look at an what an Obama supporter claims as false representation on the FactCheck image.
To quote his lies; “Now a real expert, or even just a person of reasonable common sense, would chalk this up to factors like how the photo isn’t in focus, making it difficult to see a pressure seal, or how it might be obscured somewhat by the shadow. Here, for instance, is how one portion of this JPEG looks, without any modification”
The is attempting to take a portion, at the furthest point of the image and state that, ‘that area represents the entire image’. Here is another image of the FactCheck forged document.
Here is the comparison in relation to his section.
An Obot lawyer, who is too stupid and arrogant to realize that the image above, has been resized, by this blog hosting. Has decided to post a comparison image. The image below demonstrates that the FactCheck people used to verify the COLB were not only inexperienced, but were deceptive as well. They were not qualified to even photograph the document and took every effort to decieve anyone looking at it, just like the questionalbe lawyer. Regardless of the level of focus that the deranged lawyer is pawning, there are no defects from the embossing that are visible in other images. Since he can’t explain that away, he’s throwing a temper tantrum.
UPDATE 12/24/2009 As I have posted a new post today I am inserting the origional image that was to go here. Here is the one that I changed from to keep the Obot’s off-guard. The original was to have stated ‘Some degree of being in focus’ and an cropped section showing that even the date was visible.
Now even with the image above, there is no indication of anything in the area where there should be.
Now here is where is mis-representing the facts. He is openly pawning the DailyKos image as proof that there is a seal and that makes it legit. Now to destroy all myths about the Obama COLB being a legitimate State issued Certification of Live Birth.
Here is an inverted image of the DailyKos COLB. There are defects that indicate in the area [region] of where a seal should be that there are something a miss. He attempted to use ‘Edge Detection’ as a means of bringing out the edges of the breakage from the embossing. I will his own image and prove him wrong. Here is the image that he has posted ‘claiming that a seal is present.’ Note the indications of a supposed seal and date stamp with the first four images above, they are identical.
The original sixe of the DailyKos image was 2427 x 2369 – 16 million colors, over 17 megs in size.
The silver stake in the forgery that we are gong to expose is that the ‘Date Stamp’ is actually a layer superimposed on the image and is not actuall a stamp as indicated by the State of Hawaii.
Here is a crop of the image posted on the debuker’s web-site.
Notice the lines under the date stamp [here the date is reversed, as the stamp is supposed to be applied to the back of the document.] There is no indication that any of the lines under the date stamp have been altered by the application of the stamp. Now let’s look the same area on the Hawaiian Blank template. Also note that where there is supposed to be an ‘embossed seal’ shows the same anomolies as in the Blank Hawaiian Template also.
Lets invert the DailyKos crop again and see the entire crop area.
Now for a close-up of just the ‘Date Stamp’ area
Now compare the above to the Obama COLB Date Stamp region [below] and see if you can see any line breakage from a stamp being applied to the document. Notice the ‘bleed-through’ of the date stamp being aver-layed on top of the image versus being applied to the back.
The Date Stamp was applied as a layer to the Blank Hawaiian Template and they used that image to create the Barack Obama DailyKos COLB, that image was used again on Fight the Smears ‘FTS’ website.
As even State of Hawaii’s Department of Health, Director of Communications Janice Okubo, stated “I don’t know that it’s possible for us to even say beyond a doubt what the image on the site represents.”
The same anomolies and marking across the ‘Blank Hawaiian Template’, The DailyKos image, indicating that the same image was used to create them. That the indications that they claim are an embossed seal and date stamp are nothing more then a layer applied to the image to make it appear that it was real.
There has been no proof that the signiture that FactCheck posted was even on the Obama COLB. Bottom line, the Blank Hawaiian template was used to create the DailyKos image and that it was never issued by the State of Hawaii. The FactCheck forgery used a non-State of Hawaii SEAL as indicated by the following e-mail.