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To: Dr. Sivana

Um... No, the toy in question cannot be made to operate as a fuctional firearm. At least not with the shooter surviving the first shot.

BATFE and specifically Kelvin Crenshaw is full of BS on this and they know it. Crenshaw is one of the “dirty” agents of the BATFE. No body wants him and he keeps getting moved around. This is an attempt on his part to salvage his miserable career. It has unfortunately blown up in his face.

Many of us manufacturers have been in communication about this incident. The conclusion is that the gun can be converted to fire probably a single shot and that is all it would ever do. The material it is made out of will not hold up to the stress of the 5.56mm round. The shooter would most likely be maimed if not killed by doing so.

You’ll never see a video of this toy being fired as a live weapon because it cannot be safely. Fox news has lowered itself to a new low with this article. It is fabricated bullcrap.

They also mis-quoted Len Savage of Historic Arms in the article. To say he is pissed is an understatement. Fox has promised to recant and correct the article but have not done so as of yet. We are waiting to see what they do before we go nuclear on them.

105 posted on 05/15/2010 7:09:33 PM PDT by BCR #226 (07/02 SOT BS stops when the hammer drops.)
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To: BCR #226
Um... No, the toy in question cannot be made to operate as a functional firearm.

You missed my joke. I meant that it could be turned into a functional firearm only if you replaced all of its parts with parts of a real gun.
106 posted on 05/15/2010 7:33:48 PM PDT by Dr. Sivana (There is no salvation in politics)
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