According to our vet, the dose is the poison, so it depends on the dog’s weight vs. the amount of chocolate. He went on to tell us that in over 30 years of practice, he hasn’t seen a dog ill or dead because of chocolate and that included a small one who ate most of a box.
Anecdote: a friend ruined a batch of brownies and threw them out. She was secretly hoping that the neighborhood mutt pack would eat some and then disappear. Well, the dogs gobbled the burnt brownies and lived on to annoy everyone.
We give ours just a taste now and then of milk chocolate. At 10, the tests he had prior to surgery last Fall showed him to be exceptionally healthy. Doc even said he was a *very young 10”.
At one point, we were only buying the dried pineapple for the dog! AFAIK, the sugar isn’t added. At least, it wasn’t on the label as such. I think in the drying process, the natural sugar in the pineapple is concentrated, so it tastes sweeter.
I think next time I see pineapples on sale I will dry some and see if that is the same as the organic dried brand we have been using.
Our guy gets only small amounts of people food. Anything with tomatoes is popular. As for his paw smell, I have no idea. When he is dry, in the winter, especially, he smells like a clean fur coat. When wet or in the humidity of summer, he stinks like any wet dog.
The dog was forced to be a vegetarian on the “Goode Family.” There were missing dog pictures all over the neighborhood because he was eating them at night. Very funny.
That is good to know about the chocolate.
My Labs are not allowed in the kitchen but the dachshand (the youngest) is as he is not able to clean the counters off.
People food for my boys is the same as you.
Both Labs are normal in size.
The dachshand however just got a put on a trim down in calories.
I forget he is the kitchen floor vacuum cleaner and having been a Lab owner for 25yr I am learning appropriate amounts for the baby doxie.
The pineapple here on the PNWest coast (just had some with lunch) has been really good so a bit with my meals and then non dairy fruit smoothies as it ages.
The boys kibble is Salmon and sweet potato (no filler) so an earned taste here or there along with there fresh beef bone treats, the doggie cookie jar, pepperoni/jerky/treats stuffed in the gorrilla adds up.
Esp. for the doxie (almost 2yrs) who is quite the napper although he is getting more active as he matures and has out witted the 2 Labs.