To tell you the truth, there isn’t ANYONE that I can get orgasmic about. At least DeMint is running around the country endorsing real conservative candidates, and has the GOP/RNC “Rinoplex” howling at the moon!
I like Bachmann a lot, and I could easily see her as a V. President.
Ryan was snookered by TARP, and he of all people should have known better. He kind of made up for it by humiliating Obama, but truth to tell, it still bothers me.
I despise
Romney Hucksterbee
McCain should be in jail for taking money from Soros. To me, he is more dangerous than anyone except for Obama.
btw, a think DeMint is one of our best conservatives out there. I’m just using him to prove the obvious point.
Pawlenty actually looks like a lib. Pretty much the same thoughts you posted on the other possibles.
The problem is that Romney is up and running...somebody has to get busy now.