Interesting. I took that quiz, and even though I believe in Jesus (that specific question is not asked), the top two religions they thought fit my beliefs were variations of Buddhism. I am not a pacifist, though, so I can't be that.
The other three in the top five I've never even heard of...3. Sikhism, 4. Jainism, 5. Unitarian Universalism.
I lean more toward the Mennonite faith than anything else, but don't fit there 100% either.
I would venture to say that few, if any, people are going to find a 100% fit. You might have to settle for 80% or so. I had four that fit that criteria-- three of the most conservative branches of Christianity plus Orthodox Judasim.
I can live with that, but I can't figure out how I scored 15% with Secular Humanism.