The perverts, the child molesters, the criminals that covered and protected them, the excusers, these obviously have shown a deep love and respect for the Catholic Church and the God they claim to worship.
And if someone speaks the truth about them?
“Begin with the beam in your own eye. Your denial is contributing to the continuing exploitation by Protestant clergy. Your crocodile tears over the victims do not mask your hatred for the Catholic Church.”
The last refuge is to make a personal attack.
Quite the contrary. Sexual abuse by clergy is not an exclusively Catholic phenomenon. All churches have been compromised and victimized by it. The Church is well out in front of other churches in recognizing and dealing with the problem. Where is has acted others as epitomized by you, remain in denial and an abuse rate five to ten times higher continues.
So now is the time for you to take the first of your twelve steps and admit your denomination has a problem and root it out. You are either part of the solution or you are part of the problem.