Whalers are producing a product for which there is a demand for. Eco terrorists are piles of excrement.
So say the American bald eagle was endangered would you have the same philosophy? I don't think culling an entire species is humane. Like I said I disagree with PETA 99.9%. I eat meat from animals every night but this is absolutely wrong. The Japanese make the mongols look like cheerleaders.
There also is a demand for tiger bile.
So eradicating this magnificent species off the face of the earth is also OK as long as it “produces a product”?
So for the sake of the hedonist market, you cheer the Chinese looking for bear parts and rhinoceros horns for aphrodisiacs, Koreans looking for dog meat, ivory lovers killing elephants for their tusks. You might as well as support the hedonists who seek children for their pleasure. After all their is a market for it.