D-Day is in November 2010.
Well, looks like it is taxation without representation. The Comuno-Nazis in Washington have shown their disdain for the American people.
The Comuno-Nazis in Washington will not allow an election in 2010. You can bet on that.
What to do?
No more talk, as it is useless. No more demonstrations, as they have proven to be waste of time.
No more web sites protesting the Congress, as they are the refuge of the inept.
No more court cases, as the courts are full of scoundrels who masquerade as judges.
It is time to shed the shackles of tyranny by following the example of our ancestors at Boston and at Concorde.
November 2010 will be way too late for “D day” — January 2010 will be too late — unless numerous Dim congress critters can be convinced that they have no future in politics, and should resign now. It’s worth trying, by any means at our disposal.