To: SunkenCiv; yefragetuwrabrumuy
Amaranth AKA “pigweed”. Leaves are supposed to be a good spinach substitute or pot herb, too.
Huge family, and some surprises as to family/subfamily member generas, one of which is beta (beets)...that takes us to Swis chard, and many other common (and some not so common) garden veggies.
17 posted on
12/19/2009 9:49:37 PM PST by
(Islam: a Satanically Transmitted Disease, spread by unprotected intimate contact with the Koranus.)
To: ApplegateRanch; Red_Devil 232
Thanks! Now we need to ping the gardening pingmeister...
22 posted on
12/20/2009 9:28:17 AM PST by
(My Sunday Feeling is that Nothing is easy. Goes for the rest of the week too.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson