Well, the Arabs, Chinese, Indians, Russians and East Europeans will keep stealing it... but the ones in the U.S. are flocking over to Mac OS X..., so much less pain with viruses for one thing (not the over 100,000 for Windows, but maybe four or five for Mac OS X in the last decade...).”
So All or most of the Windows users “stole” it? And “all of the US users of Windows are “flocking to OSX?
Yet again Windows7 has sold more copies than their are Macs...but people are abandoning Windows. Gotcha.
” But, do stay around with Microsoft, they’re gonna need a few supporters in the next few years...
The rest of us will be having fun with Apple Macintosh, Mac OS X and the other Apple products they put out...”
Sorry if this seems like a personal insult, but are you just trying to play dumb on purpose? I seem to remember every year for the past decade was supposed to be the end of “M$” but it seems that all of the “superior” choices seem to never add much above 9%.
Have fun with your Mac.
I seem to remember every year for the past decade was supposed to be the end of M$ but it seems that all of the superior choices seem to never add much above 9%.
Getting to 10% over the last decade means that the next step is the 20%, and on an increasing curve, the times shorten. So, it's 20%, 30% and so on... on the way up.
Windows has nowhere to go but "on the way down"...
It's much better to have a lot of room to expand and grow, like Apple has been doing for over the last decade than to have nowhere to go... like Windows. It only has the bottom to look at ... LOL...
Have fun with your Mac.
Yeah..., Mac desktops and laptop, iPod, iPhone, AirPort Extreme, iTunes, and so on...
I know that I and the rest of the Macintosh universe is having loads of fun, not having to deal with the crappy "trashware" from the other side of the fence. :-)