Net 10 is tracphone, and I had a terrible experience when I “tried” this service. Never again.
I only use it in the car, and that rarely. I bought a $100 card and a $40 phone, it’s good for a year and I still have plenty of minutes left over when I buy a new card. Comes in handy when I need to find a kid or ask the wife what brand tomato sauce I should get, but other than that I never use it.
I don’t use Net 10 so I don’t know what your “terrible experience” is and it has nothing to do with my Tracfone experience which I have used for about three years. We dumped our contract phone services long ago as a huge rip-off. The Tracfones use the same towers as the big boys and the reception is perfect. I have talked to people in Europe and the conversation is crystal clear.
I don’t know what your beef is with Tracfone nor what kind of phone you have. I only have my own experience to draw on. I’m spending about $10 a month, as is my wife.