Posted on 10/06/2009 7:13:37 AM PDT by Nikas777
Make that ‘Yonaguni’ ... getting old is such a hassle.
I was remembering it as Yamaguchi....
I was rather amused by the “Book of Geniuses.” Comes right before Exitus, doesn’t it?
Oh bother
And these sources are highly disputed as well. Many of the commentaries on the subject I googled are linked to paranormal as well.
Related article.
“extraterrestrials or a lost civilization like Atlantis detonated nuclear weapons?”
Well, if you believe that the Creator is the Author of Scripture, and you refer to the Trinity using a plural pronoun, then I suppose you could call it the “Book of Geniuses.” :-)
You should post that on its own thread. Awesome debunking article.
I enjoy posting articles that touch on such alternate themes just for them to be debunked in a reasoned manner as you and others did on the thread.
Be my guest.
I am on my handheld and I can’t. Traveling. Reading the comments helps me pass the time between flights.
I agree with much of Hancock. In addition to flooding at the end of the Ice Age, there was a massive meteorite impact in the Indian ocean about 4,800 years ago. There were also meteorite impacts in North America at the end of the Pleistocene.
for the list
"When people stop believing in God, they don't believe in nothing - they believe in anything." -G.K. Chesterton
Welllllllll . . . how much should one subtract out . . .
THE RELIGION OF SCIENCE’S INERTIA and resistence to inconvenient truths?
My prof could translate the original docs herself IIRC.
I hadn't thought of the idea of Russia moving in to pick up the pieces. I hadn't quite followed the trail far enough.
IIRC, in the historical records are sufficiently clear descriptions of some of the craft to mostly build them.
The RELIGION OF SCIENCE’s biases precluded using such information for decades, if not centuries.
As I understand it, some of the folks familiar with the UFO technologies the oligarchy has funded and comandeered . . . indicate there’s little difference between those craft and the craft described in the historical records.
Given that I’m convinced that fallen angels are the sources of the modern craft . . . one can certainly make conjectures about many 10’s of millenia ago.
However, we are clearly talking about a technology, regardless of the source—in both time frames.
It’s of mild fascination to me.
I think mostly satan uses it to muddy the waters about truths in our era.
Lots of things are curious, mysterious . . . unclear . . .
and of no eternal consequence at present.
I will agree, there is strong conservative trend in many fields of science to 'inconvenient' truths. However, one must also subtract out overworked imaginations as well as superimposing a conceptual model onto the data to make it fit the model (round peg - square hole).
Well, I would question the credability of those sources, but then that is JMHO.
Given that Im convinced that fallen angels are the sources of the modern craft . . . one can certainly make conjectures about many 10s of millenia ago.
I will agree that some of modern UFO sighting may well be demonic in origion, the question has to be asked (as was by Capt Kirk) what would a being of anglic origion (or God) need a spaceship for? Just color me skeptical.
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