Likewise for a supposedly omniscient and omnipotent God to suddenly (17B or 6K years ago, doesn't even matter) decide it would be cool to create a universe while the idea had never occurred to him in the infinite expanse of time prior to that is basically nonsensical.
And here I've been led to believe mass is just another form of energy. ;-)
So, what’s your theory?
You must have one.
What is it?
How old is the Universe?
Is it expanding?
Was there a beginning?
What logical reasoning led you to a conclusion that an omnipotent and omniscient God, by those terms outside of time, space, and the ability to define with reason, doesn’t exist when the tools to determine that don’t exist? Or, in you contention they do exist, what are they and what are the steps?
It’s worth discussing.
Oh my, what a silly assumption: “Having all the mass of the universe collapsed to a point would be the mother of all black holes; nothing would ever bang its way out of that.” Aside fromt he fallacy of assuming gravity would remain constant and collapse the entire mass of the universe, you have conveniently forgotten that dimensions time and space were also Created in the big bang. [ BTW, even Stephen Hawking, who I will trust is at least as smart as you claim to be making such outlandishly absurd assertions, stated that his research led to the conclusion that a big bang occurred. He has since hedged that assertion with a multiverse babbling, but his first conclusion was a bang.
Einstein and others said basically the same thing when Lemaître proposed the theory. Of course he would say that, liberals said, he's a Catholic priest. His theology, not his science, was speaking. Couple years later, Einstein apologized.