“So one report and you are taking flight.”
I took flight from Palin many months ago. She is not the default conservative leader of the country... she has to earn it with her actions - and this report ain’t helping.
Thank you for posting this, Falcon28. I fell off the 'Cuda Caravan well before the election. (I am improving, note that I did not say "The 'Cuda Koolaid Caravan")
In briefly looking at the 265 page document filed by SarahPAC, (the one that lists the dispersements) I really must say that, IMHO, Mrs. Palin is being ill served by the PAC treasurer and the people to whom she gives large consulting fees. They have much to answer for.
She really, really needs to surround herself with better people.
Find more at the FEC.gov website SarahPAC C00458588