If they boycott Whole Foods, where the heck else are they going to be able to pay $8.00 for a tiny wheel of cheese? /s They are just shooting themselves in the Birkenstocks here.
I say good riddance to them. My Whole Foods shopping would be much less crowded (and much better smelling) without them. Plus, I wouldn't have to worry about the tires of my Palin-stickered car getting slashed in the parking lots of WF's Loveable-but-Liberal Austin locations.
This is such a hoot. I never shopped at Whole Foods because I think it’s ridiculous to pay extra money and besides I like my plastic bags. But have clients who are so far left they have fallen off the face of the earth. Two of them are totally besides themselves because they can’t shop there because of the boycott and there is “absolutely nowhere else to buy groceries”. And this is in Houston, of all places. Last time I checked, we had at least a thousand grocery stores.