You mean the gloabal warming researchers DIDN’T DO ANY ACTUAL ‘RESEARCH’??
I’m shocked.. SHOCKED I tell you!
oh- and outraged (OUTRAGED!)
Still needs to be read.
Mr K. It's not envirowackos. Go to the BBC and read. This article referenced research from both sides of the pond as they say. The two phenomena (legless frogs, Frogs with extraneous limbs) have been used for 20+ years to bolster the envirowackos position that American pollution destroying mother Gaia. The British researchers found the same problems in British frog populations(even mentioned that they had thought it was a uniquely American problem). The Researchers mentioned identified two natural causes for phenomena. Dragonfly nymphs and a parasite that rearranges the leg growth bud.
This is a good example of how the Scientific method should work.