Hes also either consciously or deludedly deluded by the oligarchy and the critters in terms of the globalist agenda.
However his research and sharp analysis and reasoning are top flight in the field.
If he cannot see through the phony GW and globalist b.s., how the heck can an open-minded person assume that his research/analysis will be accurate? One cannot, his analysis will be as accurate as his AGENDA will allow.
Certainly the agenda of the globalists will moderate, conform, limit, cloud, contaminate, pollute, etc. his assumptions and conclusions about the rest of the ET stuff.
However, men particularly are great at compartmentalizing.
Such contaminations do not automatically cloud his thinking on say optics of a photo situation; specifics of propulsion technologies etc.
They contaminate more his assumptions and analysis about things like “ET” motives, goals, strategies, etc.