i know people in LE... sometimes I wonder how they keep their composure at all! I know I couldnt put up with some of the stuff I hear.
She was lippy and tauting them for a long time, then you notice in this video just as he gets ready to close the door she kicks off her shoe at the officer
I almost feel sorry for the officer for what will happen to him, he did lose it. But if that was my teeanage daughter kicking a shoe at an officer she would have much worse to deal with when she got home.
I hope she learned something valuable here and they don’t diminish it but letting her feel like she will win some sort of triumph over the officer.
If you’re not capable of doing your job, find another one.
He’s paid to keep his composure.
However, I’m guessing the smart mouthed little girl knows that sometimes people don’t behave like you expect them to, and a smart mouth might get a fist shoved in it.
Watch the video again. That's not what happened at all. That door was not about to be closed at the point in time that idiot charged in to beat up a defensless girl, and without any justification. The door was moving towards the jam, and then reopened by the idiot. Then the shoe came off, going forward at a very low trajectory. Feel sorry for him? The punishment that he WILL get will not be sufficient IMHO. I don't care what comments this girl made, there's absolutely no excuse for that man to have gone off in that way, and then pummel her head and pick her up by her hair after wrenching her arms back. Firing isn't sufficient - jail time is warranted. The law suit that this girl's family will win should be significant.