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To: Quix; All

552 posted on 04/22/2009 8:18:25 AM PDT by JoeProBono (A closed mouth gathers no feet)
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To: JoeProBono


553 posted on 04/22/2009 8:47:15 AM PDT by Quix (POL Ldrs quotes fm1900 2 presnt:
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To: JoeProBono; Las Vegas Dave; fatima; Salvation

RC’s . . . note Vatican source below


Jimmy Carter, US President from 1976 to 1980, promised while on the campaign trail that he would make public all documents on UFOs if elected. He said: “I don’t laugh at people any more when they say they’ve seen UFOs. I’ve seen one myself.”

General Douglas MacArthur, the Korean and Second World War soldier, said in 1955 that “the next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations of the earth must someday make a common front against attack by people from other planets. The politics of the future will be cosmic, or interplanetary”.

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Bitter Italian comments on Britain’s new policy - Apr 5, 1939

J Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI from its inception in 1935 to 1972, said of a famous incident when flying saucers were allegedly fired at over Los Angeles in 1942: “We must insist upon full access to disks recovered. For instance, in the LA case the Army grabbed it and would not let us have it for cursory examination.”

Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a Vatican theologian, said: “Extraterrestrial contact is a real phenomenon. The Vatican is receiving much information about extraterrestrials and their contacts with humans from its embassies in various countries, such as Mexico, Chile and Venezuela.”

Professor Stephen Hawking: “Of course it is possible that UFO’s really do contain aliens as many people believe, and the Government is hushing it up.”

Dr. Herman Oberth, a Nazi rocket engineer who was taken to the US after the war and became one of the fathers of modern spaceflight, said: “It is my thesis that flying saucers are real and that they are spaceships from another solar system.There is no doubt in my mind that these objects are interplanetary craft of some sort. I and my colleagues are confident that they do not originate in our solar system.”

Dr J Allen Hynek, director of the US Air Force’s Project Blue Book investigation into UFOs, said: “When the long-awaited solution to the UFO problem comes, I believe that it will prove to be not merely the next small step in the march of science, but a mighty and totally unexpected quantum leap... we had a job to do, whether right or wrong, to keep the public from getting excited.”

Air Chief Marshal Lord Dowding, commander of RAF Fighter Command during the Battle of Britain: “I am convinced that these objects do exist and that they are not manufactured by any nations on earth.”

Ronald Reagan, US President from 1980 to 1988, “I looked out the window and saw this white light.It was zigzagging around. I went up to the pilot and said, ‘Have you ever seen anything like that?’ He was shocked and he said, ‘nope.’ And I said to him: ‘Let’s follow it!’ We followed it for several minutes. It was a bright white light.We followed it to Bakersfield, and all of a sudden to our utter amazement it went straight up into the heavens. When I got off the plane I told Nancy all about it.”

Mikhail Gorbachev, the USSR’s last head of state: “The phenomenon of UFOs does exist, and it must be treated seriously.”

Richard Nixon, US President from 1969 to 1974: “I’m not at liberty to discuss the government’s knowledge of extraterrestrial UFO’s at this time. I am still personally being briefed on the subject.”

Dr. Walther Riedel, research director at the Nazi rocket research establishement at Peenemunde: “I am completely convinced that UFOs have an out-of-world basis.”

554 posted on 04/22/2009 10:58:48 AM PDT by Quix (POL Ldrs quotes fm1900 2 presnt:
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To: JoeProBono; Las Vegas Dave; DCPatriot




Part 5: High Strangeness Files about EBENs

© 2009 by Linda Moulton Howe

“Ebe was like a child with the mind of a thousand men.”
- USAF Colonel, Los Alamos

EBEN entity sketched in charcoal
by Colorado professional artist after
abduction with his wife from freeway between
Boulder and Longmont around Thanksgiving 1980.
See 102205 Earthfiles in Archive.

Return to Part 1

April 22, 2009 Albuquerque, New Mexico - Continuing in Part 5 with Linda Moulton Howe’s 1983 to 1987 High Strangeness file notes about EBENs and other non-human entities.


Since around 1968. Several human “exchange students” to the Ebe’s planet.


Sources only said they knew about Ebe 1 and Ebe 2 from 1947 and 1949 crash retrievals - both kept at Los Alamos Lab in New Mexico? Wright-Patterson autopsies on dead ones? Later on, one or more live EBEN “visitors” kept at Area 51 in facility near Papoose Mountains.


EBENs are supposed to have a holographic record of Earth’s entire history stored inside crystal devices that project 3-dimensional holograms. It’s a crystal structure that separates, or has one or two moving parts, and the 3-dimensional “picture” forms either in the middle of the separated crystal device, or in the air above the crystal device - something like the holographic projector/communicator in Star Wars, originally released on May 25, 1977.

I was told that the 3-dimensional holographic projects from the EBEN crystal device can’t be photographed very well - the image on film or videotape is not the same 3-dimensional image one sees by eyes projected inside the two halves of the crystal.

Allegedly, those projected holograms have sound and other physical imprints such as wind rushing or volcanoes erupting with heat. An entire planetary history of Earth/solar system from the beginning implies trillions of images, which are supposed to include Christ’s crucifixion and rise up a beam of light from the rock cave and dinosaurs. According to Ebe 1 or 2, the EBENs first arrived on Earth before? or during? dinosaur period and the EBENs took many dinosaur species away from Earth because the EBENs knew an intense Ice Age was coming and thought there might be some special intelligence involving in the reptilian creatures.

[ Editor’s Note: Water Encyclopedia - “Earth has cooled dramatically over the last 50 million years. Ice sheets, flora, and fauna all record those changes. About 55 million years ago, palm-like trees and crocodile-like reptiles lived north of the Arctic Circle and beech trees grew in Antarctica. By 35 million years ago, glacier ice was starting to spread in Antarctica. Today, the Antarctic continent is more than 90 percent ice-covered. The first major glaciations in Greenland began between 7 and 3 million years ago. The first continental ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere appeared around 2.7 million years ago.”]

In the alleged briefing paper for a President of the United States of America that AFOSI Richard C. Doty showed me at Kirtland AFB on April 9, 1983, there was a paragraph about extraterrestrial entities having manipulated DNA to create the dinosaurs. If genetic manipulators and dinosaur creators were the EBENs, their civilization would have to have been involved with Earth life for nearly 250 million years. If not the EBENs, which other non-human civilization would have been here before the EBENs? What is the relationship between the EBENs and one or more other non-human civilizations that might be harvesting genetic material from Earth? And for what exact purposes?

Ebe Retrieved in 1949 Crash by USAF
Then-Captain, Later Colonel

“Ebe was like a child with the mind of a thousand men.”
- USAF Colonel, Los Alamos

Ebe liked physical tough and was always taking the Colonel’s hand like a little child. EBENs have the ability to bring back to life their species after “death.” Ebe explained to the Colonel that the “resurrection of Jesus Christ” was an example of their light technology bringing back to life one of their own, even if the body container was human. [The Tall Blonds also claim the creation of Christ to teach Homo sapiens sapiens about love and non-violence.]


Our Need-To-Know agents don’t completely believe the EBEN Christ story. But there is film or videotape of the Colonel being debriefed after Ebe died at Los Alamos in which the Colonel cries and cries in sadness over the loss of the being he loved.

Ebe’s world is basically desert with palm-like trees and is warm. For those who are familiar with the EBENs, there are some slight differences between the eyes of the males and females and the females do have breasts.

The EBEN skin is said to fluoresce under various light frequencies because it is interactive with light - brightening or darkening with solar intensity. There is also supposed to be forensic evidence that at least some of the small, grey, EBEN-type beings contain a chlorophyll substance instead of hemoglobin, which would suggest the small, possible androids, “metabolize” light. At the center of a chlorophyll molecule is a magnesium (Mg) ion and at the center of a hemoglobin molecule is an iron (Fe) ion.

[photos, drawings and chemical structures at the link]

Left: Chlorophyll is a chlorin pigment, which is structurally similar to and produced through the same metabolic pathway as other porphyrin pigments such as heme. At the center of the chlorin ring is a magnesium (Mg) ion. Right: In most humans, the hemoglobin molecule is an assembly of four globular protein subunits. Each subunit is composed of a protein chain tightly associated with a non-protein heme group. A heme group consists of an iron (Fe) ion (charged atom) held in a heterocyclic ring, known as a porphyrin. The iron ion, which is the site of oxygen binding, coordinates with the four nitrogens in the center of the ring, which all lie in one plane. Image sources: Wikipedia.

Tall Blonds, or “Swedes,” or “Nordics”

The Tall ones - or Blonds, or Swedes, or Nordics - have blue eyes, blond hair and are 7 feet tall. Their planet is colder, which is the reason given for the Talls not liking warm places on Earth. Supposedly, the Tall Blonds are based in Earth regions that are cooler such as underground the bottom basins of oceans, seas and lakes.

EBENs generally look alike to human eyes, but the Tall Blonds, or Swedes, or Nordics, have different-looking creatures they genetically create and control as their workers. On their home planet, the Tall Blonds have, or create, all kinds of different creatures the way we have all kinds of animals on Earth. The Talls can genetically program a child at conception to be whatever they want the child to be.


Suspected, but not known for certain. The same can be said about the EBENs, and maybe about the reptilian humanoids. But to what end is all the genetic manipulation done?

The Tall Swedes are described as mischievous, mimics, troublemakers by government agents? But troublesome in what context; i.e., because the Talls won’t do what American government agents want them to do, or not do? If the Tall Blonds are trying to prevent atomic and hydrogen bomb development on Earth, as several sources say, that would seem to be a help to Earth, not trouble?

The Tall Blonds supposedly caused the flooding of a small town in Northern Arizona in July 1983, “causing some problems, but we have ways to control them,” said a military source.

I asked what humans have that would control the Tall Blonds. “Can’t tell you, but they back off when the U. S. Air Force is around.”

Whenever I hear such bravado, I always wonder about the persistent contradictions used to describe beings allegedly from some place else in this galaxy, another galaxy or even from another dimension or time line, who on one hand are supposed to be so advanced that Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore lab scientists don’t understand their technologies or cosmic concepts. On the other hand, humans are supposed to “have ways to control them.” Doesn’t make sense unless the non-humans deliberately allow or create melodrama with humans, interacting with the military and authorities in ways that suggest submission while to the non-humans, it’s all a game as humans play with their cats and dogs.

The Tall Blonds/Swedes are supposed to be medically and technologically superior in some ways to the EBENs, but not in all ways. The Talls also are said to produce the Oriental-looking Men In Black (MIBs) and human-looking “robots,” or androids, that walk among Homo sapiens on Earth. I was told, “Our government’s greatest concern is who walks among us on Earth and looks human, but is not.”

Further, back in August 1983, a source told me that the Tall Blonds were responsible for, “terrorism. Our government is copying Swedes for our own offensive actions. U.S. Air Force is taking offensive action against them? And other nations because of Swede-manipulated terrorist activities.”

Ebe told the Colonel, “Everything the Tall Blonds do, they do for a specific reason.” But what exactly does that mean?

Are the EBENS or the Tall Swedes the mutilators of Earth’s animal life? Some sources say the EBENs are, some sources say the Tall Swedes are, some sources say the reptilian humanoids are, and some sources say all three of those major non-human groups harvest tissues and fluids from Earth life for a variety of purposes - usually excluding the human population. I have read about a few humans being found with an ear missing, eye missing, tongue cut out, jaw flesh removed, genitals excised and rectum cut out without blood and have assumed the perpetrators are the same as those behind the global animal mutilations, but have no proof. And those cases are only half a dozen human bodies compared to thousands of animal bodies since at least the middle of the 20th Century. But then, there are all those missing persons cases decade after decade. Where are all the missing people?

One very odd note given to me to ponder was, “The female Tall Swedes don’t like the human-like creatures, or any other creatures, that have been genetically created from Earth life DNA.”

EBEN Advanced Technologies?

Stealth bomber = EBEN technology.
New laser devices = EBEN technology

Our American government does not want Russians to get any of the advanced EBEN technologies, which so far our government think only the United States has received. However, some intelligence sources insist that Russia has tried to shoot down, or has successfully shot down, unidentified aerial craft from which advanced technologies have been retrieved for study and back-engineering exactly as in the United States has done since the 1940s.

During the Vietnam War, Vice President Lyndon Johnson and Secretary of Defense Robert Strange McNamara ordered a small nuclear bomb to be dropped on Vietnam region. While the American war plane was on its way to carry out the Vietnam mission, UFOs - EBEN egg-shaped craft or other? - appeared in the sky and the bomb dematerialized in the plane.

Sources say that LBJ never knew much, perhaps not anything, about the existence of MJ-12. And that President Jimmy Carter went into office with the idea he could reveal all there was to see, hear and learn about UFOs as President, but after he was given a briefing by MJ-12 insiders, President Carter changed his mind and wouldn’t talk about the UFO subject. Did government insiders show the Christian-raised Carter a briefing paper about extraterrestrial biological entities having genetically created the human-looking body into which the mind, spirit and life force of Christ were projected?

There is supposed to be a communication link from Earth’s moon to Uranus and beyond through more than one hundred other places back to the EBEN planet near Zeta Reticuli 1 and 2. The EBENs have established a 1-hour communication, which can be linked by MJ-12 only if EBENs open up communication.

An EBEN warning - the Earth’s moon is going to go out of its orbit and cause great havoc. Will there be rescues by EBENs and/or other non-human groups? If EBENs know this was going to happen in Earth’s future, why can’t they stop it? When will the moon go out of its orbit? “In our lifetime,” was the answer to me in the mid-1980s.

More Notes About April 24 to 25, 1964


555 posted on 04/22/2009 11:39:47 AM PDT by Quix (POL Ldrs quotes fm1900 2 presnt:
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