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[ricin was found in the U.S. and in England this week, all made up and ready to use. I don’t have the U.S. report link at hand, a mans wife reported it to the police when she found it....granny]

[snipped from Jeffrey Imm news headlines]

Against Racial Supremacism:

(U.S.) Guardian reports on Daniel Cowart and Paul Schlesselman plot against black Americans,
including Barack Obama
— See previous R.E.A.L. reports on this:
— Tennessee: Updated News Reports on Court Proceedings Against Daniel Cowart and
Paul Schlesselman in Terrorist Plot Against Obama and Black Americans
— Other R.E.A.L. reports:

(UK) Man and teenage son held after ricin found
— Ian and Nicky Davison suspected of white supremacist poison plot
— Durham’s assistant chief constable: “We believe the people involved to be white supremacist
extremists and one of our lines of inquiry was that they were going to target people from ethnic minorities.
White supremacists seem to hate an awful lot of people.”
— “White supremacist fears as police discover deadly poison in anti-terrorist raid at
house in Burnopfield, County Durham”

Against Totalitarianism News:

(Communist China) Tiananmen Square: Former Activists Still Hoping the Truth Will Emerge,1518,628387,00.html


If reposting elsewhere, please credit source of this research as

See site for links to reports:

Found a good “Terrorist Chemical Attacks” link? Let Us Know!

A pilot clinical trial of a recombinant ricin vaccine in normal humans Ricin, a highly potent toxin produced by castor beans, is classified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as a level B biothreat because it is easily produced, readily available, and highly stable. There have been >750 cases of documented ricin intoxication in humans. There is no approved vaccine for ricin.

Ricin poisoning- a comprehensive review The recent discoveries of ricin, a deadly biologic toxin, at a South Carolina postal facility, a White House mail facility, and a US senator’s office has raised concerns among public health officials, physicians, and citizens. Ricinis one of the most potent and lethal substances known, particularly when inhaled. The ease with which the native plant (Ricinus communis) can be obtained and the toxin extracted makes ricinan attractive weapon.

Chemical attack warfare agents, industrial chemicals and toxins New fact sheet from NAS/HHS program News & Terrorism: Communicating in a Crisis.

Facts about Personal Cleaning and Disposal of Contaminated Clothing Some kinds of chemical accidents or attacks may cause you to come in contact with dangerous chemicals. Coming in contact with a dangerous chemical may make it necessary for you to remove and dispose of your clothing right away and then wash yourself. Removing your clothing and washing your body will reduce or remove the chemical so that it is no longer a hazard. This process is called decontamination. Article for industry - protocol for everyone...

Biomonitoring for chemical warfare agents [PDF] This report, which will be updated as necessary, presents a means of assessing the relative threat from terrorist-use of individual chemical, biological, and toxin agents. It focuses on small-scale, targeted chemical and biological attacks, rather than mass-casualty attacks. The framework considers the elements of access, public health impact, medical treatment, prophylaxis, and dissemination. Other factors that may affect potential use by terrorists include the range of lethality, covert employment of an agent, and the availability of dual-use technologies.

Recognition of Illness Associated with Chemical Exposure [Webcast with html script & PDF Slide Show] The goal of this program is to increase the likelihood that physicians and public health professionals will recognize chemical-release-related illness so that public health authorities can implement the appropriate emergency response and public health actions. Upon successful completion of the program, participants will be able to describe: Epidemiologic clues that might suggest the covert release of a chemical agent and . . .the importance of reporting and surveillance in recognizing outbreaks of illness resulting from exposure to chemicals and toxins.

Chemical Terrorism Wall Chart The purpose of the chart is for display for medical personnel in emergency rooms, urgent care centers, physicians’ offices, and other primary care first responders. The chart presents a concise summary of signs and symptoms to assist with early recognition and alert healthcare workers of the potential for chemical terrorism agents. Once a chemical terrorism agent is suspected, the healthcare worker will need to consult more in-depth resources. A Bioterrorism Agents Wall Chart is also available.

Chemical agents [PDF]

Combat survival tips: devastating warfare - Keep an eye on chemical and biological warfare.

Chemical weapons - Combat survival tips: chemical weapons: Overview.

Making an “At Home” Shelter: There are many things a person can do at home, in the event of a nuclear or Biological attack on the United States. One of the best things is to just stay at home, for at least a month.

NBC Survival tips: the use of activated charcoal - A brief explanation about the use of activated charcoal filters.

Environmental Data Pages - Industrial Chemicals and Terrorism Industrial chemicals have been used by terrorists as improvised explosives, incendiaries and poisons in several recent incidents. While the improvised chemical agents may be less toxic than military agents, many are perceived by the public to be highly dangerous; they have rapid, highly visible impacts on health; they are accessible; and they can be dispersed by smoke, gas clouds, or food and medicine distribution networks.

Chem/Bio Terrorism Provides information and resources regarding the weapons associated with WMD terrorism, and the measures the US government is taking to prepare and defend against it

Gas Mask recommendations On October 4, 2001 Joel was interviewed the Coast to Coast AM radio show. He was asked about preparing for Biological Terrorist Attacks. Here he summarizes his responses.

Buying A Gas Mask, and Other Considerations Several years ago, the U.S. government published a list of the top 120 cities most at risk for terrorism. While this Domestic Preparedness web site is still active, it is now closed off to the public, accessible only by password. This list might help you decide how much preparedness you feel is necessary. Excellent article (as usual) from Noah’s Ark website.

Words of Wisdom About Gas, Germs, and Nukes By SFC Red Thomas, Armor Master Gunner - U.S. Army (Ret) 10.19.01. Since the media have decided to scare everyone with predictions of chemical, biological, or nuclear warfare on our turf I decided to write a paper and keep things in their proper perspective. I am a retired military weapons, munitions, and training expert.

Interim Recommendations for Selection/Use of Protective Clothing - The approach to any potentially hazardous atmosphere, including biological hazards, must be made with a plan that includes an assessment of hazard and exposure potential, respiratory protection needs, entry conditions, exit routes, and decontamination strategies. Any plan involving a biological hazard should be based on relevant infectious disease or biological safety recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other expert bodies including emergency first responders, law enforcement, and public health officials. The need for decontamination and for treatment of all first responders with antibiotics or other medications should be decided in consultation with local public health authorities.

How Gas Masks Work Any time there is a threat of biological or chemical attack, the first thing you hear about is gas masks. In this edition of HowStuffWorks, we will look at the technology behind gas masks so you can understand how they work, and when they won’t. (Watch out for POP UPS)
Sheltering In Place Israel Defense Forces Israel Defense Forces (FAQ)
Got your plastic sheeting & duct tape? The above sites will tell you what to do with it. Actually, to a greater or lesser extent, each of these sites provides much more info for those caught in a bad situation with no place to go. The IDF site is, in my opinion, the most extensive and provides the best info.

Health Service Support in an NBC Environment The purpose of this manual is to provide doctrine and tactics, techniques, and procedures for medical units and personnel operating in a nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) environment. This manual is intended for all echelons of health service support (HSS). It discusses the operational aspects of the following HSS activities: Medical treatment, medical evacuation, health service logistics, combat stress control, and preventive medicine, veterinary, dental, and medical laboratory services. FM 8-10-7. HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY. Washington, DC, 22 April 1993

U.S. Department of State Fact Sheets on Chemical-Biological Warfare

Nunn-Lugar-Domenici Domestic Preparedness & WMD Civil Support Teams The Nunn-Lugar-Domenici Domestic Preparedness Program began in FY97 to train first responders — fire, police, and emergency medical technicians — in 120 of the largest cities in the country. Recently, the 120 cities that were designated recipients of Nunn-Lugar-Domenici Domestic Preparedness Program have been expanded and amended to a mixture of 157 cities and counties to replace the original 120 cities.

USFA - HAZMAT Guide for First Responders, 1999 The resources on this page will assist First Responders in safely responding to a hazardous materials incident. Resources are also provided for personnel who will assume the Incident Commander role in hazardous materials emergencies above the initial response.

Identifying Chemical and Biological Agents Learn the characteristics of these substances and their effects. Chemical/biological agents are defined as toxic substances, pathogens or toxins that are used to kill or incapacitate people, animals or plants, or to damage equipment. The use of these agents dates as far back as 429 B.C. when the Spartans ignited pitch and sulphur creating toxic vapors in the Peloponnesian War. This article discusses the types of chemical and biological agents and their effects. See also: Chemical Agents Chart (.pdf) requires Adobe Acrobat.

#227- Tutorial: Chemical and Biological Agents Chemical and biological (CB) agents pose a threat to U.S. and allied military forces. Unfortunately, what strictly used to be a military risk has now become a concern to the civilian population—brought about by terrorist groups and other factions with developed CB capabilities. As a result, national, state and local authorities have initiated domestic preparedness against CB terrorism. Although the probability of a terrorist CB attack is low, it’s important to have an understanding of the potentially devastating and far-reaching effects of these agents.

The Poor Man’s Nukes The following is a paper related to PSI TECH’s special 911 project on the future of terrorism. The information presented, though based on Technical Remote Viewing data, is the author’s personal speculation.

Bio-terror: ‘Poor man’s nuke’: WorldNetDaily columnist and talk-show host Geoff Metcalf recently interviewed Col. Gerald Schumacher — a retired Army officer who had worked on biological and chemical weapons early-detection systems for the Army during the Gulf War — about the threat of biological weapons of mass destruction, what has traditionally been called “the poor man’s nuke.”

Dispersal of Chemical Warfare Agents: Influence of Weather, Terrain and Buildings Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, Source: A FOA Briefing Book on Chemical Weapons

Chemical Warfare Agents SIPRI fact sheets

Guidelines for Mass Casualty Decontamination During a Terrorist Chemical Agent Incident U.S. Army Soldier & Biological Chemical Command, January 2000 PDF File courtesy of Survival Primer Website. Thanks, Paul!

list continues.....

8,773 posted on 06/06/2009 5:22:07 PM PDT by nw_arizona_granny ( [Survival,food,garden,crafts,and more)
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To: nw_arizona_granny; ExSoldier; Momaw Nadon; Mrs. Ranger; Squantos; wafflehouse; pbmaltzman; ...

From another thread - ExSoldier offers some excellent advice:

This list is posted over at the Threat Matrix thread here on FR but it represents my ideal ABOB:
Being Prepared to Survive on Your Own

With the threat of catastrophic terror attacks on US soil, and with the help of other survival instructors the below is a list of actions to take and supplies to have on hand to help us survive the next hit.

Pre Event Actions:

1. Learn about the natural disasters that could occur in your community from your local emergency management office or American Red Cross chapter. Learn whether hazardous materials are produced, stored or transported near your area. Learn about possible consequences of deliberate acts of terror. Ask how to prepare for each potential emergency and how to respond.

2. Talk with employers and school officials about their emergency response plans.

3. Talk with your household about potential emergencies and how to respond to each. Talk about what you would need to do in an evacuation. If someone in the family has a critical job, expect them to be gone.

4. Plan how your household would stay in contact if you were separated. Identify two meeting places: the first should be near your home—in case of fire, perhaps a tree or a telephone pole; the second should be away from your neighborhood in case you cannot return home.

5. Pick a friend or relative who lives out of the area for household members to call to say they are okay.

6. Draw a floor plan of your home. Mark two escape routes from each room.

7. Post emergency telephone numbers by telephones. Teach children how and when to call 911.

8. Make sure everyone in your household knows how and when to shut off water, gas, and electricity at the main switches. Consult with your local utilities if you have questions.

9. Take a first aid and CPR class. Local American Red Cross chapters can provide information. Official certification by the American Red Cross provides “good Samaritan” law protection for those giving first aid.

10. Reduce the economic impact of disaster on your property and your household’s health and financial well-being:

Review property insurance policies before disaster strikes – make sure policies are current and be certain they meet your needs (type of coverage, amount of coverage, and hazards covered – flood, earthquake, etc.)

Protect your household’s financial well-being before a disaster strikes— review life insurance policies and consider saving money in an “emergency” savings account that could be used in any crisis. It is advisable to keep a small amount of cash or traveler’s checks at home in a safe place where you can quickly gain access to it in case of an evacuation.

Be certain that health insurance policies are current and meet the needs of your household.

11. Consider ways to help neighbors who may need special assistance, such as the elderly or the disabled.

12. Make arrangements for pets. Pets are not allowed in public shelters. Service animals for those who depend on them are allowed.

13. Ensure all immunizations are up-to-date. If we are hit with true mass causality event, the bodies may lie around for days or weeks. Rotting corpses will cause disease outbreaks.

14. If you have a disability or special need, you may have to take additional steps to protect yourself and your household in an emergency. If you know of friends or neighbors with special needs, help them with these extra precautions. Hearing impaired may need to make special arrangements to receive warning. Mobility impaired may need assistance in getting to a shelter. Households with a single working parent may need help from others both in planning for disasters and during an emergency. People without vehicles may need to make arrangements for transportation. People with special dietary needs should have an adequate emergency food supply. Find out about special assistance that may be available in your community. Register with the office of emergency services or fire department for assistance, so needed help can be provided quickly in an emergency.

15. Create a network of neighbors, relatives, friends and co-workers to aid you in an emergency. Discuss your needs and make sure they know how to operate necessary equipment.

16. If you are mobility impaired and live or work in a high-rise building, have an escape chair. If you live in an apartment building, ask the management to mark accessible exits clearly and to make arrangements to help you evacuate the building. Keep extra wheelchair batteries, oxygen, catheters, medication, food for guide or hearing-ear dogs, or other items you might need. Also, keep a list of the type and serial numbers of medical devices you need.

17. Those who are not disabled should learn who in their neighborhood or building is disabled so that they may assist them during emergencies. If you are a care-giver for a person with special needs, make sure you have a plan to communicate if an emergency occurs.

Preparedness Overview:

You may need to survive on your own for three days or more. This means having your own water, food and emergency supplies. Try using backpacks or duffel bags to keep the supplies together. Assembling the supplies you might need following a disaster is an important part of your disaster plan. You should prepare emergency supplies for the following situations:

A disaster supply kit with essential food, water, and supplies for at least three days—this kit should be kept in a designated place and be ready to “grab and go” in case you have to leave your home quickly because of a disaster, such as a flash flood or major chemical emergency. Make sure all household members know where the kit is kept.

Consider having additional supplies for sheltering or home confinement for up to four weeks.

You should also have a disaster supply kit at work. This should be in one container, ready to “grab and go” in case you have to evacuate the building. Remember to have a comfortable pair of shoes in case you need to walk long distances.

A car kit of emergency supplies, including food and water, to keep stored in your car at all times. This kit would also include flares, jumper cables, and seasonal supplies.

Stockpiling Water Safely

Stocking water reserves should be a top priority. Drinking water in emergency situations should not be rationed. Therefore, it is critical to store adequate amounts of water for your household. Individual needs vary, depending on age, physical condition, activity, diet, and climate. A normally active person needs at least two quarts of water daily just for drinking. Children, nursing mothers, and ill people need more. Very hot temperatures can double the amount of water needed. Because you will also need water for sanitary purposes and, possibly, for cooking, you should store at least one gallon of water per person per day.

Store water in thoroughly washed plastic, fiberglass or enamel-lined metal containers. Don’t use containers that can break, such as glass bottles. Never use a container that has held toxic substances. Sound plastic containers, such as soft drink bottles, are best. You can also purchase food grade plastic buckets or drums. Containers for water should be rinsed with a diluted bleach solution (one part bleach to ten parts water) before use. Previously used bottles or other containers may be contaminated with microbes or chemicals. Do not rely on untested devices for decontaminating water.

If your water is treated commercially by a water utility, you do not need to treat water before storing it. Additional treatments of treated public water will not increase storage life. If you have a well or public water that has not been treated, follow the treatment instructions provided by your public health service or water provider. If you suspect that your well may be contaminated, contact your local or state health department or agriculture extension agent for specific advice.

Seal your water containers tightly, label them and store them in a cool, dark place. It is important to change stored water every six months.


If activity is reduced, healthy people can survive on half their usual food intake for an extended period or without any food for many days. Food, unlike water, may be rationed safely, except for children and pregnant women.

You don’t need to go out and buy unfamiliar foods to prepare an emergency food supply. You can use the canned foods, dry mixes and other staples on your cupboard shelves. Canned foods do not require cooking, water or special preparation. Be sure to include a manual can opener.

Keep canned foods in a dry place where the temperature is fairly cool. To protect boxed foods from pests and to extend their shelf life, store the food in tightly closed plastic or metal containers.

Replace items in your food supply every six months. Throw out any canned good that becomes swollen, dented, or corroded. Use foods before they go bad, and replace them with fresh supplies. Date each food item with a marker. Place new items at the back of the storage area and older ones in front.

Food items that you might consider including in your disaster supply kit include: ready-to-eat meats, fruits, and vegetables; canned or boxed juices, milk, and soup; high-energy foods like peanut butter, jelly, low-sodium crackers, granola bars, and trail mix; vitamins; foods for infants or persons on special diets; cookies, hard candy; instant coffee, cereals, and powdered milk.

Buy a box of MRE entrée’s – 72 packages of main course MRE meals and keep them at home. They will fee a familty of four for about a week. It’s no frills eating.

You may need to survive on your own after a disaster. Local officials and relief workers will be on the scene after a disaster, but they cannot reach everyone immediately. You could get help in hours, or it may take days. Basic services, such as electricity, gas, water, sewage treatment and telephones, may be cut off for days, even a week or longer. Or you may have to evacuate at a moment’s notice and take essentials with you.

You probably won’t have the opportunity to shop or search for the supplies you’ll need. Your household will cope best by preparing for disaster before it strikes.

First aid:
Sterile adhesive bandages in assorted sizes
Assorted sizes of safety pins
Isopropyl alcohol
Hydrogen peroxide
Antibiotic ointment
Latex gloves (2 pairs)
Petroleum jelly
2-inch and 4-inch sterile gauze pads (4-6 each size)
Triangular bandages(3)
2-inch and 3-inch sterile rolled bandages (3 rolls each)
Cotton balls
Moistened towelettes
Tongue depressor blades (2)
Tube of petroleum jelly or other lubricant
Anti-diarrhea medication
Cough Suppressant
Space Blanket
Mole Skin & Foam
Snake Bite Kit

A portable, battery-powered radio and extra batteries
Flashlight(3), extra bulbs(6) & batteries(12)
Oil Lamps (Hurricane)
Signal flare(6)
Waterproof Matches
Magnesium Fire Starter
Leather-man Tool(2)
All Purpose Knife(2)
Duct tape
Plastic sheeting
Small canister, A-B-C-type fire extinguisher(2)
Work gloves (2)
Paper, pens, and pencils
Needles and thread (2)
Wrist Watch
Honing Stone & Oil

Kitchen items:
Manual can opener
Mess kit
Fork & Spoon
Frying Pan
Plastic Forks, Spoons, Knives
Heavy Duty Paper Plates
PUR Drinking Water System
Extra filters & batteries for PUR Water Filter
Water Bottles
Propane Stove
Propane Grill
Extra Case(s) Propane
Heavy Duty Tin Foil
Trioxane Stove
Trioxane Fuel
Sterno Fuel
ZipLoc bags (Lg & Sm)

Summer Sausage
Beef Jerky
Slim Jim
Peanut Butter
Hard Candy
Freeze Dried Dinners
Canned Veggies
Canned Meats
Canned Soups & Stews
Bulk Flour
Bulk Grains (Wheat, etc.)
Salt & Pepper

(1 gal. per person per day)

Sanitation and hygiene items:
Washcloth and towel
Hand sanitizer
Liquid detergent
Tooth paste and toothbrushes
Feminine Supplies
Shaving cream
Lip balm
Insect repellent
Heavy-duty plastic garbage bags (to go potty in)
Toilet paper
Medium-sized plastic bucket with tight lid
Chlorine bleach
Shovel (for a latrine)

Personal identification
Emergency phone numbers
Maps of the area

Extra pair of prescription glasses
Extra set of car & house keys
Reading material, books, etc.
Games for the kids

Clothing (no cotton):
Heavy, Waterproof Boots
Wool Socks
Rain gear
Hat w/ visor
Capelin Pants (4)
Wind pants
Polypro Shirt (2)(short sleeve)
Polortek Shirt (2)(Long sleeve)
Polartek Pants (2)
Polypro Boxers(5)
Gortex/Thinsulate Parka
Gortex/Thinsulate Bibs

Sleeping bag
Sleeping pad
Small Tarps
Large Tarp
Folding Chair
Nylon Cord __________

19 posted on Saturday, June 06, 2009 9:29:42 PM by ExSoldier (Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on dinner. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.)
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To: redhead
Added to the list. Look forward to your wisdom and experiences.

8,778 posted on 06/06/2009 6:48:44 PM PDT by appleseed
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