To: Brad from Tennessee
Smiling at you, and thinking that all of us will do what is needed to survive that which is coming.
All I can do is attempt to find or share what I know about doing it the hard way.
LOL, I forget that everyone was not born with an outhouse and a bucket to dip water out of the cows water tank at the base of the windmill.
Join in, share your knowledge with us, the thread is not for me to blather on, it for all of you.
8 posted on
02/09/2009 12:56:21 AM PST by
( [Survival,food,garden,crafts,and more)
To: nw_arizona_granny
I bookmarked the Dallas News story. What I read of it cheered me up. I had three little gardens two years ago because I like fresh peppers of all varieties but mostly hot ones. And I like tomatoes. Last year, motivated but what the media was calling a shortage of rice and other farm commodities I planted half an acre of corn, blackeyeds, butter beans, pinto beans and black beans. Also cucumbers and yellow squash. I was able to give a lot of produce away to friends and neighbors. In turn, they gave me apples and pears which I canned. I learned that bush beans are easier to maintain and harvest than pole beans. This spring will be even bigger.
13 posted on
02/09/2009 1:11:11 AM PST by
Brad from Tennessee
("A politician can't give you anything he hasn't first stolen from you.")
To: nw_arizona_granny
I’m rather new here and have run across your previous thread from time to time. Very interesting topics that really interest me. I am going to bookmark this thread but I don’t always look at my bookmarks...out of sight, out of mind.
Do you have a ping list? I would love to be added to it if possible.
I do have a question. I’ve tried growing a garden.(We live in the Phoenix metro area.) Unfortunately, we are inundated with prairie dogs. (I call them gophers!) Broke my heart to see my little eggplants all eaten one morning. They climb over, under and through the fence. Just dug it up and there it sits. Any ideas what to do? There’s nothing like a home grown tomato!
Thanks, granny! Looking forward to reading more.
134 posted on
02/09/2009 6:52:16 AM PST by
(I just joined the NRA.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson