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Bulletin No. 33. W. B. No. 294. Price 5 cents.






Prepared under the direction of WILLIS L. MOORE, Chief U. S. Weather Bureau.







6,901 posted on 04/23/2009 6:56:14 PM PDT by nw_arizona_granny ( [Survival,food,garden,crafts,and more)
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It was^ I think, in the year 1849, that being
very fond of figs, I attempted to grow them in
pots in one of my vineries; but, finding they
required more room than I could spare, I sought
for some method by which I could overcome the
diflSculty. The pots I used, I should state, were
not placed on benches, but on raised borders, for
I had adopted the sunken paths and raised borders
for many years, to avoid the expense of the usual
benches of wood. The roots made their way
through the aperture at the bottom, and the plants
thus, even in comparatively small pots, obtained
enough of vigour to support a crop of fruit. After
the crop was gathered, the pots were gently turned
on one side, and the roots cut off with a knife ;
water was withheld, and the plants were soon at
rest with well-ripened shoots. The following
spring they were top-dressed with manure, and



again placed on the border. But an idea occurred
to me to give more room for the emission of roots
by enlarging the aperture at the bottom of the
pots: this I at once put in practice, with the
most favourable results. I then reasoned, if figs
in pots can be made to bear a crop of fruit by
thus giving them extra nourishment during the
summer, why should not peaches, nectarines,
apricots, vines, plums, cherries, and pears be
managed in the same way ? They can be so ma-
naged ; and I have now much plea,sure in giving
the simple method by which all these choice fruits
may be grown on dwarf bushes in pots, with a
certainty of a crop every season ; and I hope to
see the day when hundreds and thousands of our
small gardens will be furnished with cheap fruit-
tree houses.

Gla^s, timber, and bricks, are now comparatively
cheap. Sheet-glass, which when first brought into
notice cost 2s. per foot, can now be bought at 2d.
per foot ; so we can build cheap houses, which,
without the assistance of artificial heat, will give
us, in average seasons, the climate of the south-
west of France, without the liability to injury
from spring firosts, from which the plants of all
temperate climates, both in Europe and America,
at times suflFer so severely. Let us now see how
nearly glass structures without fire-heat, will ap-
proximate to the cKmate of France, in one of its
most temperate districts, viz. Angers.

6,902 posted on 04/23/2009 7:18:11 PM PDT by nw_arizona_granny ( [Survival,food,garden,crafts,and more)
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The Horticulturist’s Rule-Book




Fruit- Groiuers, Truck- Gardeners,
Florists, and Others






Copyright, 1895,
By L. H. bailey.

Set up and electrotyped May, 1895. Peprlnted February
2896; May, 1897; August, 1898; August, 1899; June, igoi-,
October,. November, 1902 ; February, 1904; July, 1905; January,

NorfajootJ Press

J. 8. Gushing & Co. — Berwick & Smith
Norwood Mass. U.S.A.


The first edition of this manual was published late
in 1889, and the second early in 1892, both by the
Rural Publishing Company. When the first edition
was compiled, the modern or current methods of
dealing with insect and fungous pests upon large
and commercial plantations were in their first experi-
mental stage. The volume, therefore, recorded the
inexact knowledge of the time. It is only within
the last two years that the methods of meeting these
troubles have come to be generally accepted by horti-
culturists, and that experimenters have felt that they
could give confident advice respecting the many mix-
tures, appliances, and operations which have been
recommended in all quarters. It is time, therefore,
that a third and complete edition of this handbook
should be issued, to record and advise those practices
which have been approved by experiment and experi-
ence. The contents of the volume have been gleaned
from many sources, and whilst the compiler cannot
assume the responsibility of the value of the many
recipes and recommendations, he has exercised every
care to select only those which he considers to be


reliable. At the same time, the book has been thor-
oughly renovated in all departments, and it has been
much extended to meet the needs of the many inquir-
ies which are born of the recent teaching and experi-
menting in rural affairs. A chapter has been added
upon greenhouse work and heating, and another upon
the current literature of American horticulture. In its
completed form, therefore, it is hoped that the volume
will serve to codify and epitomize the best part of the
scattered and disconnected horticultural advice and
practices of the time.

Cornell University,
Ithaca, N.Y., March 30, 1895.

6,905 posted on 04/23/2009 8:28:54 PM PDT by nw_arizona_granny ( [Survival,food,garden,crafts,and more)
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Full text of “The farm and household cyclopaedia : A complete ready reference library for farmers, gardeners, fruit growers, stockmen and housekeepters”

[snipped, book covers other cures and every thing the house wife needs to know....Beware of some of the remedies.......granny]

Salt Rheum. — Take half a pound of swamp sassafras-bark and boil it,
in enough fresh water to cover it, for the space of half an hour. Take off
the water, and thoroughly wash the part affected. Add hojj’s lard to some
of the water, and simmer it over a moderate fire until the water is evapo-
rated; anoint the part affected, continuing the washing and anointing four
days. A cure is generally certain.

Simple Disiixfectaiit— The following is a refreshing disinfectant for a
sick-room, or any room that has an unpleasant aroma pervading it: Put
some fresh ground coffee in a saucer, and in the center place a small piece
of camphor gum, which light with a match. As the gum burns allow suffi-
cient coffee to consume with it. The perlumc is very pleasant and healthful
— being far superior to pastiles and very much cheaper.

To Protect the Lungs from Dust. — lu farm labor one has often to en-
counter a hurtful amount of dust. A simple and cheap protection from such
an annoyance is to got a piece of sponge large enough to cover the nostrils
and mouth, hollow it out on one side with a pair of scissors, to fit the face,
attach a string to each side and tie it on. First wet it well, and squeeze out
most of the water. Eepeat this whenever the sponge becomes dry. All the
dust will be caught in the damp cavities, and it is easily washed out.

Fainting. — Painting is caused by the blood leaving the brain. Place
the patient flat and allow the head to be lower than the body. Sprinkle cold
water on the face. Hartshorn may be held near the nose, not to it. A half
teaspoonful of aromatic spirits of ammonia, in a
wiueglassful of water, Avill
tend to revive the patient. If the symptoms recur, send for a physician.

Bee Stings. — Take a pinch in the fingers of common salt, put on the
place stung and dissolve with water, rub with the fmger. If not relieved in
one minute wet the place with aqua ammonia. Care should be taken not to
get the ammonia into the eye. I have used this remedy for several years
and it has never failed with me. It has always arrested the jjoison and pre-
vented swelling.

Cramp in the Leg. — A garter applied tightly round the limb affected
will, in most cases, speedily remove the complaint. When it is more obsti-
nate, a brick should be heated, wrapped in a flannel bag, and placed at the
foot of the bed, against which the person troubled may place his feet. No
remedy, however, is equal to that of diligent and long-continued friction.

Boils. — These should be brought to a head by warm poultices of camo-
mile flowers, or boiled white lily root, or onion root by fermentation with
hot water, or by stimulating plasters. When ripe they should be destroyed
by a needle or lancet; but this should not be attempted until they are fully

Clioking. — To prevent choking, break an egg into a cup and give it to
the person choking, to swallow. The white of the egg seems to catch around
the obstacle and remove it. If one egg does not answer the purpose, try an-
other. The white is all that is necessary.

Foreign Bodies in theTliroat. — “ Foreign bodies lodged in the throat
can be removed,” says Dr. Beveridge, a British naval surgeon, “ by forcibly
blowing into the ear.” The plan is so easily tried and so harmless that we
suggest its use.

To Prevent tlie Hair Falling Off._(l) When the hair, after being
naturally luxTiriant, begins to grow thin, without actually coming oiat in par-
ticles, use the following receipt: Take of extract of yellow Peruvian bark,
fifteen grains; extract of rhatany root, eight grains; extract of burdock root
and oil of nutmegs (mixed), of each, two drachms; camphor dissolved with
spirits of wine, fifteen grains; beef marrow, two ounces; best olive oil, ous
ounce; citron juice, half a drachm; aromatic essential oil, as much as is suf-
ficient to render it fragrant; mix, and make into an ointment. Two drachms
of bcrgamot and a few drops of attar of roses would sufl&ce. This is to bo
used every morning.

(2) Onions must be rubbed frequently on the part. The stimulating
powers of this vegetable are of essential service in restoring the tone of the
ekin, and assisting the capillary vessels in sending forth new hau*; but it is
not itifalUhle. Should it succeed, however, the growth of these new hairs
may be assisted by the oil of myrtleberries, the repute of which, perhaps, is
greater than its real efficiency. These applications are cheap and harmless,
even where they do no good; a character which cannot be said of the numer-
ous quack remedies th;U meet the eye in every direction.

(3) To prevent hair from falling out or turning gray, take a tcacupful of
dried sage, and boil it in a quart of soft water for twenty miimtes. Strain it
off and add a piece of borax the size of an English walnut; pulverize the
borax Put the sage tea, when cool, into a quart bottle; add the borax;
shake well together, and keep in a cool place. Brush the hair thoroughly
and rub the wash well on the head with the hand. Then, after a good hard
rubbing, brush the hair well liefore the tire so it will become dry.

(4) Put equal quautitics of rum and sweet oil into a bottle, and, before
using, shake them well together. This mixture tdiyuid he »vplied with ft


soft bmsh to the roots of the hair every night; it should be tried for a month
at the least, before any improvement can be expected.

(5) Put one pound of unadulterated honey into a still, with three hand-
fhls of the tendrils of vine and the same quantity of rosemary tops. Distill
as cool and as slowly as possible. The liquor may be allowed to drop till it
tastes sour.

(6) To prevent the hair from falling out apply once a week a wash made
of one quart of boiling water, one ounce of pulverized borax and half au
ounce of powdered camphor. Bub on with a sponge or a piece of flannel.

(7) Take a piece of saltpetre the size of a hickory nut, and put in a quart
of water, and wet the head daily.

To Soften the Hands. — (1) To 8oft«n the hands, fill a wash-basin half
full of fine, white sand and soap suds as hot as can be borne. Wash the
hands in this five minutes at the time, washing and rubbing them in the
sand. The best is the fiint sand, or the white, powdered quartz sold fur
filters. It may be used repeatedly by pouring the water away after each
washing, and adding fresh to keep it from blovring about Rinse in warm
lather of fine soap, and, atter drjing, rub them with dry bran or commeal.
Dust them, and finish with rubbing cold cream well into the skin. This
eflfectually removes the rougluiesa caused by housework, and should be
used everj- day, first removing ink or vegetable stains with acid.

(2) Soap is an indispensable article for cleansing hands, but it often
leaves the skin rough; cracks on the hands come, and soap is often unpleas-
ant. Use honey, rub it on when the skin is dry; moisten a little, rub harder,
use a little more water; finally wash tlioroughly and your hands will bo as
clean as though the strongest soap were used, and no cracks or roughness
will annoy you.

(3) Keep a dish of Indian meal on the toilet stand near the soap, and rub
tho meal freely on thre hands after soaping them for washing. It will sur-
prise you, if you have not tried it, to find how it will cleanse and soften the
skin, and prevent chapping.

(4) Before retiring take a large pair of gloves and spread mutton tallow
inside, also all over the hands. Wear tho gloves all night, and wash the
hands with olive oil and white castile soap the next morning.

(5) After cleansing the hands with soap, rub them well with oatmeal
while still wet. Honey is also very good, used in the same way as lemon-
juice, well rubbed in at night.

To Whiten the Hands.— (1) Keep some oatmeal on the washstand,
and, as often as the hands are washed, rub a Uttle oatmeal over them; then
rinse it off, and, when dry, put on a little bit of pomade, made as follows:
Take aboiit five cents’ worth each of white wax, spermaceti, and powdered
camphor, and olive oil enough to make it the thickness of soap; put it in a
galhpot, and let it stand in an oven to melt; mix it up, and, when cold, it
^vill be found very good for the hands. Gloves, worn either in the day or
night, will help to keep the hands white.

(2) A cake of brown Windsor soap scraped into thin flakes, and then
mixed with a tablespoonful of eau de cologne, and a tablespoonful of lemon
juice, is said to make a useful preparation for this purpose. There is
nothing injurious to the skin in the composition. YSTien the soap has been
thoroughly blended with the lemon juice and eau de cologne, it should
be pressed into a mold — one made of cardboard in the form of a aiuaU


box, the size of a cake of soap, will answer the purpose — and allowed to dry
before it is tised.

(3) Half an ounce of white wax, half an ounce of spermaceti, quarter of
an ounce of powdered camphor. Mix them with as much ohve oil as will
form them into a very stiff paste, and use as often as you wash your

(4) Mixtures of two parts of glycerine, one part ammonia, and a little
rose water whiten and soften the hands.

[Have you ever noticed that men who are bald, will have big bags under their eyes?

I have read that the bags/puffy eyes is a sign of allergy.

If true, is their a connection between baldness and allergy?

Natural Vitamin E taken 800 units per day, by a middle aged balding man, will grow new hair and it will be thicker.

Bill was taking the Vitamin E for his heart, when I read it in a book, told him and then we took a good look at his hair, for it had been gently receding for several years, at that time it had grown back about a quarter inch and was much thicker.

Almost his normal hair line.


6,906 posted on 04/23/2009 8:56:55 PM PDT by nw_arizona_granny ( [Survival,food,garden,crafts,and more)
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[Interesting reading and the recipes are worth taking a good look at.

Caloric stove appears to be the forrunner of the crockpot or a fancy haybox cooker....

Need to check this out...


Book of *^ Recipes


More Than Three HundredD Superior Recipes of All

Kinds, Meats, Game, Poultry, Fish, Cereals,

Vegetables, Soups, Puddings, Fruits,

Sauces, Desserts, Breads, Etc.

Especially Adapted to the New Caloric
Fireless Cookstove,



PRICE $1.00

Copyright, 1906
By Caloric Fireless Cookstove Co..

Copyright, 1908

By Caloric Fireless Cookstove Co..
All rights reserved.

6,907 posted on 04/23/2009 9:29:05 PM PDT by nw_arizona_granny ( [Survival,food,garden,crafts,and more)
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To: nw_arizona_granny


Complete Forcing-Gardener -






ARTIFICIAL HEAT, in the Various Departments
ufually conftrudted for this Purpofe..

The whole difplayed, with every new IMPROVEMENT,
by which this capital and curious BRANCH of GAR-
may be effected with Facility, and Succefs.





L O N D O N:
Printed for LOCKYER. DAVIS, in Holborni


6,908 posted on 04/23/2009 9:35:58 PM PDT by nw_arizona_granny ( [Survival,food,garden,crafts,and more)
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Full text of “The family herbal, or, An account of all those English plants, which are remarkable for their virtues, and of the drugs which are produced by vegetables of other countries; with their descriptions and their uses, as proved by experience”








Vegetables of other Countries ;





Directions for the gathering and
preserving roots, herbs, flowers, and
seeds ; the various methods of pre-

use ; receipts for making distilled
waters, conserves, syrups, electua-
ries, juleps, draughts, &e. &c. with

serving these simples for present j necessary cautions in giving them.









MANY books have been written upon the same
subject with this, but if one of them had
treated it in the same manner, this would have been
rendered unnecessary, and would never have employ-
ed the attention of its author.

It is his opinion, that the true end of science is
use ; and in this view, the present work has been
undertaken. It appears to him a matter of more
consequence, and a subject of more satisfaction,
to have discovered the virtues of one herb unknown
lefore, than to have disposed into their proper
classes sixteen thousand ; nay, so far will a sense
of utility get the better of the pride of mere
curiosity, that he should suppose this a thing
preferable to be said of him, to the having; dis-
covered some unknown species ; to having picked
from the bottom of some pond an undescribed con-
ferva ; or to having fetched, from the most remote
parts of the world, a kind of tree moss, with heads
larger than those at home.

It grieves a man of public spirit and humanity,
to see those things which are the means alone of
the advantages of mankind studied, while in the end
that advantage itself is forgotton. And in this
view he will regard a Culpepper as a more
respectable person than a Linnaeus or a Dille-

That Botanv is an useful study is plain; be-



cause it is in vain that we know betony is good
for head-achs, or self-heal for wounds, unless we
can distinguish betony and self-heal from one
another, and so it runs through the whole study.
We are taught by it to know what plants belong
to what names, and to know that very distinctly ;
and we shall be prevented by that knowledge from
giving a purge for an astringent, a poison for a
remedy ; let us therefore esteem the study of
botany, but let us know, that this use of the dis-
tinctions it gives is the true end of it ; and let us
respect those, who employ their lives in establish-
ing those distinctions upon the most certain foun-
dation, upon making them the most accurately,
and carrying them the farthest possible : these
are the botanists ; but with all the gratitude we
owe them for their labours, and all the respect
we shew them on that consideration, let us under-
stand them as but the seconds in thi3 science. The
principal are those who know how to bring ‘their
discoveries to use, and can say what are the ends
that will be answered by those plants, which they
have so accurately distinguished. The boy col-
lects the specimens of herbs with great care,
and bestows ten years in pasting them upon pa-
per, and writing their names to them : he does
well. When he grows a man, he neglects his
useful labours ; and perhaps despises himself for
the misemployment of so much time : but if he
has, to the knowledge of their forms, added af-
terward the study of their virtues, he will be
fir from censuring himself for all the pains he
took to that end.

He who wishes well to science and to man-
kind, must wish this matter understood: and this
is the wiy to bring a part of knowledge into cre-
dit, which, as \t is commonly practised, is not a


jot above the studies of a raiser of tulips or a car-
nation fansier.

When we consider the study of plants, as the
search of remedies for diseases, we see it in the
light of one of the most honourable sciences in
the world ; in this view, no pains are too great
to have been bestowed in its acquirement ; and
in this intent, the principal regard ought to be
had to those of our own growth. The foreign
plants brought into our stoves with so much ex-
pence, and kept there with so much pains, may
rill the eye with empty wonder : but it would
be more to the honour of the possessor of them,
to have found out th use of one common herb
at home, than to have enriched our country with
an hundred of the others. Nay, in the eye of rca-
on, this ostentatious study is rather a reproach.
Why should he, who has not yet informed himself
thoroughly of the nature of the meanest herb
which grows in the next ditch, ransack the earth
for foreign wonders ? Does he not fall under the
same reproach with the generality of those, who
travel for their improvement, while they are igno-
rant of all they left at home ; and who are ridicu-
lous in their inquiries concerning the laws and
government of other countries, while they are not
able to give a satisfactory answer to any question
which regards their own ?

Containing general rules for the gathering
and preserving herbs, roots, barks, sleds, and
flowers ; together with the me1hods of
making such preparations from them, as may
best retain their virtues, or be moit usefui
jo be kept in families

6,909 posted on 04/23/2009 9:56:27 PM PDT by nw_arizona_granny ( [Survival,food,garden,crafts,and more)
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[All rights reserved.]

6,910 posted on 04/23/2009 10:00:56 PM PDT by nw_arizona_granny ( [Survival,food,garden,crafts,and more)
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Full text of “Gardening for pleasure. a guide to the amateur in the fruit, vegetable, and flower garden, with full directions for the greenhouse, conservatory, and window garden”

6,911 posted on 04/23/2009 11:49:50 PM PDT by nw_arizona_granny ( [Survival,food,garden,crafts,and more)
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Full text of “The gardeners dictionary: containing the methods of cultivating and improving the kitchen, fruit and flower garden, as also the physick garden, wilderness, conservatory, and vineyard”

6,912 posted on 04/23/2009 11:54:54 PM PDT by nw_arizona_granny ( [Survival,food,garden,crafts,and more)
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Full text of “How to make the farm pay; or, The farmer’s book of practical information on agriculture, stock raising, fruit culture, special crops, domestic economy & family medicine”

6,913 posted on 04/24/2009 12:32:08 AM PDT by nw_arizona_granny ( [Survival,food,garden,crafts,and more)
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Edited by

6,914 posted on 04/24/2009 1:01:26 AM PDT by nw_arizona_granny ( [Survival,food,garden,crafts,and more)
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Full text of “The complete cook. Plain and practical directions for cooking and housekeeping; with upwards of seven hundred receipts: consisting of directions for the choice of meat and poultry; preparations for cooking, making of broths and soups; boiling, roasting, baking, and frying of meats, fish, &c., seasonings, colourings, cooking vegetables; preparing salads, clarifying; making of pastry, puddings, gruels, gravies, garnishes, &c., and, with general directions for making wines. With additions and alteratons”

[The end is below, it is only a fraction of the different breads listed....granny]

The bread fruit tree has been planted in some of the West India
colonies, but with little success as to any advantages to be derived
from it. Indeed, its fruit appears to us to have been greatly exag-
gerated with respect to its beneficial application as food for the use
of man. It has been observed, however, that “ even in those colonies
into which the bread fruit has not been generally introduced as an
article of food, it is used as a delicacy ; or whether employed as bread,
or in the form of pudding, it is considered as highly palatable by the
European inhabitants.”

Bread Fruit Bread. To prepare the fruit for use instead of bread,
it must be roasted, either whole, or cut into three or four pieces. It
is also cooked in an oven, which renders it soft, and something like
a boiled potatoe ; not quite so mealy as a good one, but more so than
those of an inferior description. The Otaheitans make three dishes
of it, by putting either milk or the milk of cocoa-nut to it, then beat-
ing it to a paste with a stone pestle, and afterwards mixing it with
ripe plantains, bananas, or mahie.

This mahie is a preparation of the ripe bread fruit, for which it is
substituted during the season, just before gathering a fresh crop. It
js made thus: The fruit is gathered just before it is perfectly ripe,
and being laid in heaps, is closely covered with leaves; in this state
it undergoes a fermentation, and becomes disagreeably sweet. The
core is then taken out entire, by gently pulling the stalk, and the
fruit is thrown into a hole which is dug for that purpose, generally in
the houses, and neatly lined in the bottom and sides with grass; the
whole is then covered with leaves, and heavy stones laid upon them.
In this state it undergoes a second fermentation, and becomes sour;
after which it undergoes no change for many months. It is taken out
of the hole as it is wanted for use, and being made into balls, it is
wrapped up in leaves, and roasted or baked. After it is baked, it will
keep five or six weeks. It is eaten both cold and hot, and the natives
seldom make a meal without it. To Europeans, however, the taste
is said to be as disagreeable as that of a pickled olive generally is the
first time it is eaten.

Sago Bread is made from the wood of the sago tree, in the follow


ing manner: The natives of the islands of Banda and Amboyna saw
the body of the tree into small pieces, and, after bruising and beating
them in a mortar, pour water upon the fragments. This is left for
some hours undisturbed, to let the pithy farinaceous matter subside.
The water is then poured off, and the meal, being properly dried, IB
formed into cakes, or fermented and made into bread, which, it is
said, is nearly as palatable as wheaten bread. The Hottentots make
a kind of bread from another species of sago tree. The pith of this
tree is collected, and tied up in dressed calf, or sheep-skin, and then
buried in the ground for several weeks, which renders it mellow and
tender. It is then made into cakes, which are baked under hot em-
bers. Others roast the sago tree pith, and make it into a kind of

The sago of commerce is made from the pith of this tree, but it is
granulated by passing it through a sieve. It acquires its brown
colour from drying it on hot stones.

Casava Bread is made in the Caribbee Islands, from a very poi-
sonous root called Jatropa Maniat, rendered wholesome by the extrac-
tion of its acrid juice, which the Indians use for poisoning their
arrows. So powerfully poisonous is this juice, that a tea-spoonful is
sufficient to take away the life of a man. The root of the maniat,
after being washed, scraped clean, and grated in a tub, is enclosed in
a sack made of rushes, of very loose texture. This sack is suspended
upon a stick placed upon two wooden forks. A heavy vessel is sus-
pended to the bottom of the sack, and is so contrived as to press the
juice out of the roots. When the juice is all taken from the roots,
.hey become a sort of starch, which is exposed to smoke in order to
dry it; when well dried, it is passed through a sieve: it is now called
casava. It is baked into cakes by laying it on hot plates of iron, or
on hot earth. The article called tapioca is the finest part of casava,
collected and formed into small tears, by straining the mass, while it
is still moist, so as to make it into small irregular lumps.

Plantain Bread is made from the fruit of the plantain tree. This
fruit is about a foot long, and from an inch and a half to two inches
in diameter, and has a tough skin, within which there is a soft pulp,
of a sweet flavour. The fruit is generally cut when green; the skin
is taken off, and the heart is roasted in a clear cold fire for a few
minutes: it is then scraped, and served up as bread. This tree is a
native of the East Indies, and other parts of the Asiatic continent, but
is cultivated on an extensive scale in Jamaica. It is said,- that with-
out this fruit the West India islands would be scarcely inhabitable, as
no species of provisions could supply its place. Wheaten bread flour
is not so agreeable to the negroes, and they greatly prefer it to the
fruit of the bread tree.

Banana Bread is made of the fruit of the banana tree. This fruit
is about four or five inches long, of the shape of a cucumber, and of a
highly grateful flavour. They grow in bunches that weigh twelve


pounds and upwards. The pulp of the banana tree is softer than that
of the plantain tree, and of a more luscious taste. When ripe it is a
very pleasant food, either undressed, or fried in slices like fritters.
All classes of people in the West Indies are very fond of it. When
preparing for a voyage, they take the ripe fruit and squeeze it through
a sieve; then form the mass into loaves, which are dried in the sun,
or baked on hot ashes, having been previously wrapped up in leaves.

Moss Bread, or bread made of moss, is prepared from a species of
the tribe lichen, called rein-deer moss, which contains a considerable
quantity of starch. The Icelanders form the lichen islandicus into
bread, and it is said to be very nutritive. The moss is collected in
the summer, dried, and ground into powder of which bread gruel
and pottage are made. It is also boiled in milk or whey, till it cornea
to a jelly. It should be previously steeped some hours in warm water,
in order to extract the bitter matter with which it is impregnated,
which is not only disagreeable as to taste, but is also a purgative.

Dried Fish Bread. We have shown that a great variety of sub-
stances are used as substitutes for flour bread. We now come to
dried fish, which appears to be an odd thing to make bread of. In
Iceland, Lapland, Grim Tartary, and other parts of the north, a kind
of bread is made of dried fish, beaten first into powder, sometimes
with the inner bark of trees, and then made up into cakes,

Earih Bread. But the strangest substitute for corn bread that has
ever been employed, is a kind of white earth found in Upper Lusatia,
of which the poor in times of scarcity have frequently made bread.
This bread earth, if we may so designate it, is dug out of a hill where
salt-petre had formerly been worked. When heated by the sun it
cracks, and small globules proceed from it like meal, which ferment
when mixed with flour. It is said on good authority, that on this
earth, made into bread, many persons have subsisted for a considera-
ble time. An earth very similar is found in Catalonia.


6,915 posted on 04/24/2009 2:27:20 AM PDT by nw_arizona_granny ( [Survival,food,garden,crafts,and more)
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To: All

Full text of “Farm and garden rule-book; a manual of ready rules and reference with recipes, precepts, formulas, and tabular information for the use of general farmers, gardeners, fruit-growers, stockmen, dairymen, poultrymen, foresters, rural teachers, and others in the United States and Canada”

6,916 posted on 04/24/2009 2:55:53 AM PDT by nw_arizona_granny ( [Survival,food,garden,crafts,and more)
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To: All; Calpernia; metmom; milford421

CDC: Same Swine Flu Strain Killing Dozens In Mexico Found Locally
A strain of swine flu identified in San Diego and Imperial counties is the same
one that has killed dozens of people in Mexico, the head of the U.S. Centers
for Disease and Prevention said Friday.


Mexico City schools, museums closed to stop deadly swine flu
Mexico’s federal government has closed schools, museums, libraries and state-run theaters in Mexico City to stop a swine flu outbreak authorities say may have killed as many as 60 people.
Read More

Other Breaking News stories at

A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: Thu 23 Apr 2009
Source: CIDRAP (Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy) News [edited]

More US swine flu cases; Mexico illnesses raise pandemic questions

Five more cases of an unusual swine influenza virus infection have
surfaced, officials from the US Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) announced today [23 Apr 2009], bringing the total to
7 and raising more concerns about human-to-human transmission.

The new cases include 2 clusters, 2 16-year-old boys in San Antonio,
Texas, who attended the same school, and a father and daughter from
San Diego County [California]. Anne Schuchat, MD, interim deputy
director for the CDC’s science and public health program, told
reporters today [23 Apr 2009] at a teleconference that the clusters
are consistent with human-to-human spread. She also said that the
World Health Organization has not raised its 6-phase pandemic alert
level above phase 3 (no or very limited human-to-human transmission).

The 5th new case occurred in a patient from Imperial County
[California], which borders San Diego County. Both counties are home
to the 1st 2 swine flu patients that the CDC announced on 21 Apr 2009.

News of the 5 new swine flu cases came on the same day Canadian
officials warned its public health, medical, and quarantine workers
to look for illnesses among Canadians returning from Mexico. Mexico
has reported several cases of severe respiratory illness and has
asked Canada to assist in finding the source of the illnesses, some
of which have been fatal, according to a report today [23 Apr 2009]
from the Canadian Press (CP). Schuchat said no swine flu cases have
been confirmed in Mexico or Canada, but that CDC officials are
discussing the situation with Mexican health officials and
representatives from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

Concerning the 7 American cases, Schuchat said, “The good news is
that all of the patients have recovered, and one was hospitalized.
This is not looking like a very severe influenza.” Patients
experience fever, cough, and sore throat symptoms similar to typical
influenza, but some of the patients who had swine influenza also
experienced more diarrhea and vomiting than is typical of seasonal

The CDC said genetic sequencing of samples from the 1st 2 patients,
California children who lived in adjacent counties, show that the
swine flu virus contains segments from 4 different viruses: some
North American swine, some North American avian, one human influenza,
and 2 Eurasian swine. “This virus hasn’t been recognized in the USA
or elsewhere,” Schuchat said. CDC scientists have determined that the
novel swine flu virus is resistant to the older antivirals
rimantadine and amantadine but is susceptible to oseltamivir and

Schuchat said the CDC expects to see more swine flu cases and that it
would provide regular updates on its website. “This is not time for
major concern around the country, but we want you to know what’s
going on,” she said. Most of the public health response will focus on
the California and Texas areas where cases have been identified, but
the CDC is urging health departments in other states to heighten
their awareness of respiratory illnesses, particularly in those who
have had contact with pigs or traveled to the San Diego or San
Antonio areas. Schuchat said the CDC doesn’t know yet if the H1N1
component of this season’s [2008-09] influenza vaccine provides any
protection against the swine flu virus, but she said studies are
under way to determine if there is any cross-protection.

Michael T Osterholm, PhD, MPH, director of the University of
Minnesota Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy,
publisher of CIDRAP News, said the findings, though concerning, don’t
mean that a pandemic is imminent. However, he said health officials
shouldn’t take comfort in the fact that the illnesses so far have
been mild. “The 1st wave of the 1918 pandemic was mild, too,”
Osterholm pointed out. Walter Dowdle, PhD, who worked in the CDC’s
virology unit during the 1976 swine flu outbreak, told CIDRAP News
that it’s interesting but not greatly alarming that the 2009 swine
flu strain contains such an unusual mix of gene segments. “It’s a
real mutt,” said Dowdle, who now works with the Task Force for Child
Survival and Development, based in Atlanta “When you have an evolving
RNA mechanism, it’s hard to be surprised by anything.” The H1N1
component of the seasonal flu vaccine might provide some degree of
protection, he said. And if the swine flu virus persists, federal
officials could consider adding an additional H1N1 strain to next
year’s [2009-10] vaccine.

Marie Gramer, DVM, PhD, a University of Minnesota veterinarian who
has studied swine flu, said her preliminary examination shows that
the outbreak strain doesn’t appear to closely match anything
currently circulating in pigs. However, Gramer added that she has
only looked at a small number of viruses and only at the
hemagglutinin gene.

Peter Sandman, PhD, a risk communication consultant based in
Princeton, New Jersey, also listened in on today’s [23 Apr 2009] CDC
teleconference. While he credited the CDC with getting a clear, calm,
and concise scientific message out about the swine flu cases, he said
they missed a teachable moment to promote pandemic preparedness
“Everyone needs to learn how to say ‘This could be bad, and it’s a
good reason to take precautions and prepare’ and ‘This could fizzle
out,’” Sandman said. “They need to simultaneously say both
statements.” He added that “good risk communicators need to know how
to be both scary and tentative.” Federal health officials are
probably treading cautiously around the word “pandemic,” because some
accused them of fear mongering when they raised concerns about the
H5N1 virus 2 years ago and also because of overreaction during the
1976 swine flu epidemic that led to vaccination missteps. When
talking to the public about pandemic risks, federal officials could
take some cues from hurricane forecasters, Sandman said, “and
speculate responsibly.”

Canada’s Public Health Authority (PHAC) said today [23 Apr 2009] in a
situation update that Mexican authorities have asked its assistance
in determining the cause of 2 clusters of severe respiratory
illnesses that have occurred this month [April 2009]. A cluster in
Mexico City involved 120 cases and 13 deaths; the other occurred in
San Luis Potosi, where 14 cases and 4 deaths were reported. Three
deaths were reported from other locations: one from Oaxaca in
southern Mexico and 2 from Baja California Norte, near the US border.
The PHAC report said the disease outbreak struck some healthcare
workers and that most patients were previously healthy young adults
between the ages of 25 and 44. Symptoms included fever, headache,
ocular pain, shortness of breath, and fatigue that rapidly progressed
to severe respiratory distress in about 5 days. Mexican officials
detected some influenza A/H1N1 and influenza B viruses, but have
apparently ruled out H5N1 virus involvement. The PHAC said it
received 51 clinical samples from Mexico for testing at its National
Microbiology Lab. Mexico told the PHAC that it had a late influenza
season with an increasing number of influenza-like illnesses since
the middle of March [2009]. The country also had a higher proportion
of influenza B viruses than previous seasons.

[byline: Lisa Schnirring]

communicated by:
Mike Nunn BA

Date: Thu 23 Apr 2009
Source: Reuters Health News [edited]

Seven people in US hit by strange new swine flu

Seven people have been diagnosed with a strange and unusual new kind
of swine flu in California and Texas, the US Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention reported on Thursday [23 Apr 2009]. All 7
people have recovered but the virus itself is a never-before-seen
mixture of viruses typical among pigs, birds and humans, the CDC said.

“We are likely to find more cases,” the CDC’s Dr Anne Schuchat told a
telephone briefing. “We don’t think this is time for major concern
around the country.”

The CDC reported the new strain of swine flu on Tuesday [21 Apr 2009]
in 2 boys from California’s 2 southernmost counties. Now, 5 more
cases have been seen — all found via normal surveillance for
seasonal influenza. None of the patients, whose symptoms closely
resembled seasonal flu, had any direct contact with pigs. “We believe
at this point that human-to-human spread is occurring,” Schuchat
said. “That’s unusual. We don’t know yet how widely it is spreading
... We are also working with international partners to understand
what is occurring in other parts of the world.” Two of the new cases
were among 16 year olds at the same school in San Antonio “and
there’s a father-daughter pair in California,” Schuchat said. One of
the boys whose cases were reported on Tuesday [21 Apr 2009] had flown
to Dallas but the CDC has found no links to the other Texas cases.

Unusually, said the CDC’s Nancy Cox, the viruses all appear to carry
genes from swine flu, avian flu, and human flu viruses from North
America, Europe and Asia. “We haven’t seen this strain before, but we
hadn’t been looking as intensively as we have,” Schuchat said. “It’s
very possible that this is something new that hasn’t been happening
before.” Surveillance for and scrutiny of influenza has been stepped
up since 2003, when highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza reappeared
in Asia.

Experts fear this strain, or another strain, could spark a pandemic
that could kill millions. H5N1 currently only rarely infects people
but has killed 257 out of 421 infected in 15 countries since 2003,
according to the World Health Organization.

The influenza strain [in the California outbreak] is an H1N1, the
same family as one of the seasonal flu viruses now circulating. Now
that the normal influenza season is waning, it may be easier to spot
cases of the new swine flu, Schuchat said.

Only one of the 7 cases was sick enough to be hospitalized and all
have recovered, Schuchat said. “This isn’t something that a person
could detect at home,” she said. The new cases appear to have
somewhat more vomiting and diarrhea than is usually seen in flu,
which mostly causes coughing, fever, sore throat and muscle aches.
The CDC is asking doctors to think about the possibility of swine flu
when patients appear with these symptoms, to take a sample and send
it to state health officials or the CDC for testing.

Cox said the CDC is already preparing a vaccine against the new
strain, just in case. “This is standard operating procedure,” Cox
said. The agency will issue daily updates at

Seasonal flu kills between 250 000 and 500 000 people globally in an
average year. And every few decades, a completely new strain pops up
and it can cause a pandemic, a global epidemic that kills many more
than usual.

[byline: Maggie Fox]

communicated by:
ProMED-mail rapporteur Mary Marshall

Date: Thu 23 Apr 2009
Source: Texas Department of State Health Services, News Release [edited]

Two human cases of swine flu confirmed in Texas

The Texas Department of State Health Services [DSHS] today [23 Apr
2009] announced that swine flu has been confirmed in 2 16 year old
boys from Guadalupe County near San Antonio. One became ill on 10
Apr, the other on 14 Apr 2009. Their illnesses were relatively mild.
Neither was hospitalized. Both have recovered. Though the boys are
friends, it has not been determined how either became infected.

Laboratory test results received today [23 Apr 2009] from the US
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that the
illnesses were caused by a swine influenza A (H1N1) virus.
Preliminary lab data suggests that the virus closely matches the
viruses from recent swine flu infections in human cases from Southern
California. State public health officials are investigating to
determine if any close contacts of the boys have become ill and are
asking hospitals, doctors, and others in the area to be especially
alert for other possible cases.

DSHS and local public health agencies in Texas were already involved
in a CDC-led swine flu investigation because one of the 2 original
cases from Southern California, a 10-year-old boy, traveled to Dallas
for an extended visit with relatives. No additional cases connected
to the boy have been confirmed. Initial information from the
investigation of the 2 teenagers’ illnesses indicates no recent
travel and no connection to the boy who traveled to Dallas from
Southern California.

Symptoms of swine flu in people are similar to those of regular or
seasonal flu and include fever, lethargy, lack of appetite, and
coughing. Some with swine flu also have reported runny nose, sore
throat, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Health officials say the
public should follow standard precautions to reduce the spread of any
respiratory illness:
- stay home when you are sick to avoid spreading illness to others;
- cough or sneeze into the crook of your elbow or a tissue and
properly dispose of used tissues;
- wash hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and warm water or
use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

communicated by:
Susan N Rossmann, MD, PhD

[Guadalupe County in south central Texas can be located on the map at
The state of Texas can be seen on the HealthMap/ProMED-mail
interactive map at


[The number of cases of human infection attributed to an atypical
strain of swine A (H1N1) influenza virus in Southern California has
increased from the 2 cases announced by the CDC on 21 Apr 2009 to 7.
Now 2 similar cases have been identified in Texas. The disease
process has been mild and an adult and children with no known
exposure to swine have been affected.

At present there appears to be no connection between this outbreak
and the outbreak of more serious respiratory illness currently
affecting mainly health care workers in Mexico. - Mod.CP]

[see also:
Influenza A (H1N1) virus, swine, human - USA: (CA) 20090422.1516
Influenza A (H1N1) virus, swine, human - Spain 20090220.0715

Influenza A (H1N1) virus, swine, human - USA (TX) 20081125.3715

Influenza A (H2N3) virus, swine - USA 20071219.4079

Influenza, swine, human - USA (IA): November 2006 20070108.0077]


6,920 posted on 04/24/2009 2:28:42 PM PDT by nw_arizona_granny ( [Survival,food,garden,crafts,and more)
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To: All; milford421

CDC says too late to contain U.S. flu outbreak
Reuters ^ | 4/24/09

Posted on Friday, April 24, 2009 2:42:42 PM by Crazieman

WASHINGTON, April 24 (Reuters) - The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Friday it was too late to contain the swine flu outbreak in the United States.

CDC acting director Dr. Richard Besser told reporters in a telephone briefing it was likely too late to try to contain the outbreak, by vaccinating, treating or isolating people.

[More info in comments]

6,932 posted on 04/24/2009 4:42:10 PM PDT by nw_arizona_granny ( [Survival,food,garden,crafts,and more)
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To: All

China admits to building up stockpile of gold(Obama $ scares Chinese!!)
financial post ^

Posted on Friday, April 24, 2009 5:53:24 PM by maccaca

China revealed on Friday that it had secretly raised its gold reserves by three-quarters since 2003, increasing its holdings to 1,054 tonnes - or a pot worth about US$30.9-billion - and confirming years of speculation it had been buying.

6,933 posted on 04/24/2009 6:13:22 PM PDT by nw_arizona_granny ( [Survival,food,garden,crafts,and more)
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To: All

Swine Influenza (Flu)

Swine Influenza (swine flu) is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza that regularly cause outbreaks of influenza among pigs. Swine flu viruses do not normally infect humans, however, human infections with swine flu do occur, and cases of human-to-human spread of swine flu viruses has been documented. See General Information about Swine Flu.

From December 2005 through February 2009, a total of 12 human infections with swine influenza were reported from 10 states in the United States. Since March 2009, a number of confirmed human cases of a new strain of swine influenza A (H1N1) virus infection in California, Texas, and Mexico have been identified. An investigation into these cases is ongoing. For more information see Human Swine Flu Investigation.

General Information about Swine Flu
Questions and answers and guidance for treatment and infection control

Human Swine Flu Investigation
Information about the investigation of human swine flu in California

* Page last updated April 24, 2009 17:45 EST
* Content Source: Coordinating Center for Infectious Diseases (CCID)
* National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD)

Live Video: San Diego County Swine Flu Press Conference
10News is broadcasting the San Diego County Health And Human Sevices press
conference about local cases of swine flu. This is scheduled to begin at 1:30.
Watch Now


6,935 posted on 04/24/2009 6:46:24 PM PDT by nw_arizona_granny ( [Survival,food,garden,crafts,and more)
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To: All; TenthAmendmentChampion

This should be the full books, or so it claims, it also has several historical magazines.

Partial books and several Gluten books.

6,943 posted on 04/25/2009 12:25:11 AM PDT by nw_arizona_granny ( [Survival,food,garden,crafts,and more)
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To: All

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
Office of Information and Public Affairs Washington, DC 20207

April 24, 2009
Release #09-200

Firm’s Recall Hotline: (877) 392-7095
CPSC Recall Hotline: (800) 638-2772
CPSC Media Contact: (301) 504-7908

Women’s Chenille Robes Recalled by Blair Due to Burn Hazard

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed.

Name of Product: Full Length Women’s Chenille Robes

Units: About 162,000

Retailer: Blair LLC, of Warren, Pa.

Hazard: Some robes fail to meet federal flammability requirements and present a risk of serious burns to consumers if they are exposed to an open flame.

Incidents/Injuries: Blair has received three reports of the robes catching on fire, including one report of second-degree burns.

Description: The recall involves the Full Length Women’s Chenille Robe with the following item numbers: 3093111, 3093112, 3093113, 3093114, 3093115, and 3093116. The item number is identified on a label in the garment’s neckline. This is a one-piece garment made of plush sculpted chenille, a shaped stand collar, and horizontal chenille front and back yolks and cuffs. The robe has a full-button front with seven matching button closures, long sleeves with self cuffs, a straight bottom with self hem, and two sideseam pockets. The robe’s sewn in label states: “100% Cotton, RN 81700, Made in Pakistan”. Robes with other item numbers are not included in the recall.

Sold at: Blair catalogs and Web site, and Blair stores in Warren, Pa., Grove City, Pa., and Wilmington, Del., from January 2003 through March 2009 from about $20 to $40.

Manufactured in: Pakistan

Remedy: Consumers should stop wearing the garment immediately. Contact Blair LLC for information on returning the robe and to receive a refund or a $50 gift card for Blair merchandise.

Consumer Contact: For more information, call Blair toll-free at (877) 392-7095 between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. ET Monday through Saturday, visit the firm’s Web site at, or contact the firm by e-mail at

To see this recall on CPSC’s web site, including a picture of the recalled product, please go to:

6,946 posted on 04/25/2009 1:14:12 AM PDT by nw_arizona_granny ( [Survival,food,garden,crafts,and more)
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To: All

Guide to Designing Retained Heat Cookers
January 28, 2009 — thermalcooker

The guides information is best viewed from this PDF file:
Posted in Thermal Cookers. No Comments »
The Hot Box
January 28, 2009 — thermalcooker
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the HOTBOX work?

The HOTBOX uses the principle of insulated cooking. If you can keep the heat that is used to cook food, no replacement heat is necessary to complete the cooking process.
What type of dishes can you make in the HOTBOX?

Absolutely any food or dish that you would simmer in its liquid once you have brought it to the boil. All beans, legumes, grains and pulses; all soups, stews and casseroles; custard and yoghurt; steamed veggies; basmati, white, brown and sushi rice; mieliepap, samp and even pasta.
What are all the different uses for the HOTBOX?

The HOTBOX has a wide variety of uses. It is used to cook foods, to transport and continue cooking your food, as a warming oven and also used next to the braai keeping meat and all braai foods piping hot, as a plate-warmer keeping plates perfectly hot in the dining room, the garden or on the beach, it is a cooler box which is ideal for keeping drinks ice cold and storing ice, an incubation chamber for the making of foods like yoghurt and breads, a foot cushion or ideal camera rest when doing wildlife photography from your vehicle. (Really!)
Do I need to heat the HOTBOX?

Keep the HOTBOX away from open flame or fire. The heat required to cook the food is generated conventionally with electricity, gas, fire or paraffin. The HOTBOX is never heated in any way.
How long do foods cook for in the HOTBOX?

The cooking time for different foods varies from 20min (whole rolled oats) to 12 hours (oxtail). Foods mostly cook for more or less the same length of time or just slightly longer.
What environmental impact would the regular use of the HOTBOX make?

If you used the HOTBOX only 5 times per week your household would save 119kg of CO2 per year. If 500 000 households did that it amounts to more than 60 000 tons of CO2 per year. At least 70-80% of cooking time is saved and therefore the use of valuable resources such as electricity, gas, wood, paraffin, money and time is drastically reduced.
Does it really cook my food?

Yes! It really cooks your food. To truly benefit from the HOTBOX a subtle shift in thinking is required but once you see the incredible benefits you could never look back. It cooks your food and keeps it piping hot. The more you incorporate it into your daily life, the more you will find you use it.
What if my food isn’t cooked?

A degree of experimentation is necessary to get exact cooking times for different meals. It is important to use pots with tight-fitting lids and check that you’re not opening the lid unnecessarily. Hard and dense foods that have to be soaked such as chickpeas may need to be re-boiled and placed back into the HOTBOX for the last few hours. Alternatively just boil food on the stove for a little longer before transferring to ensure that all the food is at boiling temperature and not just the water.
How long does food stay hot for?

Food stays hot for up to 8 hours and remains warm for a few more hours. After 8 hours, unopened, the temperature of the food in the HOTBOX is approximately 56 degrees Celsius.
What do I use it for when I’m braaing or on holiday?

Keep braai meat and veggies hot as it comes off the fire. Cook and keep meals hot whilst traveling or hiking. Ideal when traveling in confined spaces such as caravans or yachts because you can reduce the amount of cooking gas needed by up to 50% which frees up your space.
Is there any safety measures involved in the use of a HOTBOX?

The HOTBOX must never be heated or held close to open flame or fire due to the flammable nature of the polystyrene balls. For health reasons don’t put a partially-eaten pot of lukewarm food back into the HOTBOX without first heating it, since HOTBOXES are not only excellent cookers but also ideal incubation chambers for yoghurt and other bacteria-rich food.
Why is it a healthier way of cooking?

Once the food has been transferred to the HOTBOX, the heat drops quite rapidly from boiling point to approximately 88 deg Celsius. This heat is then maintained and very gradually drops by an average of 4-5 deg per hour. It is a known fact that high heat destroys the live enzymes in your food and therefore cooking at a lower temperature preserves nutrients. HOTBOX cooking can never over boil or burn your food and food definitely retains more juiciness and flavor.
What type of pot do I use in the HOTBOX?

The pots that you usually use at home. A nice tip is to line the bottom HOTBOX cushion with an old dish cloth to protect the base of the HOTBOX from dirty or stained pots.
How do I wash the HOTBOX?

Hand wash or machine wash on a gentle/delicate spin cycle with cold water. Wash at max 30deg Celsius. Dry thoroughly in the sun - shake during drying to move polystyrene balls and to dry equally.

Do not dry clean or iron. Machine washing is the sole responsibility of the consumer. Fabric has not been pre-washed.

Brown and White Rice:

1. Put 1 cup of rice and 2 cups of cold water in a pot.
2. Add salt to taste.
3. Place lid on pot and bring to the boil.
4. Simmer for 1 minute.
5. Remove from the heat and place in the HOTBOX for 30 minutes (white rice) or 45-60 minutes (brown rice), or until all the liquid is absorbed.
6. Rice remains perfect in the HOTBOX for hours as it does not dry out or overcook

Lamb or Beef Stew:

1. Fry onions, garlic and spices in oil.
2. Fry your cubes or knuckles of meat until brown.
3. Add selection of chopped vegetables, tinned tomato and stock.
4. Ensure that the food is covered by the liquid.
5. Bring food to the boil and cook for 15-20 minutes.
6. Transfer to the HOTBOX – bigger and tougher pieces of meat require up to 12 hours of cooking in the HOTBOX.
7. Return to stove and thicken your stew with Bisto or cornflour just before serving (optional)
8. Serve directly from the HOTBOX with rice or pasta and a green salad.

Creamy Chicken & Corn Soup (a little time consuming but delicious)

1. Place a whole chicken in a pot and fill with water, barely covering the chicken.
2. Add celery sticks, whole garlic cloves, stock powder, bay leaves, salt and pepper to the water.
3. Bring to the boil for a few minutes and transfer to the HOTBOX for approximately 2 hrs.
4. In a separate pot melt approx 100-150 grams of butter until it sizzles.(the more butter you use the richer your soup will be)
5. Add a variety of chopped veggies (such as cabbage, carrots, broccoli, leeks, onion, beans and courgettes) to the butter.
6. Stir it with a wooden spoon to coat the veggies in the butter.
7. Turn the heat down as low as possible and place the lid on tightly. “Sweat” the veggies in the pot until soft, stirring every once in a while. The sweating process takes about 30-40 minutes.
8. Once the chicken is cooked drain off the water/stock into a jug or suitable container (You will use this lovely chicken stock to make your white sauce)
9. Make a regular béchamel/white sauce with a small amount of milk and use the chicken stock for the rest of the sauce.
10. Debone your chicken – the meat will be very soft and tender – and cut chicken into small bits.
11. Add the chicken, “sweated” veggies and fresh or frozen corn to the white sauce.
12. Add a dollop of cream or Greek yoghurt to the soup and season according to your taste.
13. Garnish with ground black pepper and a small bunch of fresh coriander.

Traditional South African Mielie pap:

1. Bring 2 ½ cups of water to the boil
2. Stir 1 ½ cups of mielie meel and a pinch of salt into the boiling water.
3. Stir thoroughly whilst boiling until all the water has been absorbed.
4. Transfer to the HOTBOX and leave for approximately 30 minutes.
5. Serve directly from the hotbox.

Samp and Beans

1. Place I cup of samp & beans in a bowl, cover with water and soak overnight. Rinse and drain.
2. Bring samp & beans to the boil in 3 cups of salted water and simmer for approximately 20 minutes on the stove.
3. Bring it back to a rapid boil and then transfer to the HOTBOX for approximately 4-5 hours or until soft and all the water is absorbed.
4. Add butter, freshly ground black pepper, seasoned salt and crumbled feta cheese and enjoy as a light meal or accompaniment to a meal.

Posted in Wonderbox.

6,947 posted on 04/25/2009 1:54:56 AM PDT by nw_arizona_granny ( [Survival,food,garden,crafts,and more)
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