I don't suppose you'd like to back up that "faithful Darwinists" description? Hitler and Stalin used any excuse that was handy, including God.
Martin Luther was a Darwinist? Do tell! I know he was a notorious anti-Semite, and his teachings were very influential in the virulent anti-Semitism in Germany that enabled the Nazis to construct the Holocaust, but I've never heard until now that he was a Darwinist.
In any case, it appears you use "Darwinists" as some sort of catch-all term for "really awful people." Go right ahead. But at least slap some sort of warning label on your posts that you're not referring to the Theory of Evolution, just some really awful people no one likes.
Your obtuse refusal to accept that Hitler, Stalin and Sanger were avowed Darwinist eugenicists is telling of Darwinists as a whole. I suppose it would be oh so convenient to pretend that Charles Galton and Leonard Darwin never existed, but they did and they laid the groundwork for your hero’s theories to be used to justify over one billion murders.
Your attempts to blame Martin Luther are laughable, anti-Semitism had been the NORM in Europe for well over a thousand years, it was Hitler who used Darwinism as the justification for the Holocaust.