To: ThreePuttinDude
I did not know it, but then I have to ask - who is she?
5,197 posted on
03/09/2009 6:50:45 PM PDT by
( Conservative first and foremost, republican second)
To: mathluv
Oh my Holy Lord, never let me wake up to Jack Bauer in my face and ticked beyond measure.
5,204 posted on
03/09/2009 6:51:59 PM PDT by
(Psalm 109:8 - Let his days be few; and let another take his office)
To: mathluv
5,238 posted on
03/09/2009 6:58:04 PM PDT by
(o) ..junior senator... add fertilizer ... wait awhile... up sprouts a Jr. President..(o) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson