This is one of my first posts here, but I felt it was worth pointing out. If anyone knows how to put the links in, please do.
Will the next step be Big Brother preventing “hand me downs”?
It looks like we will have more items on the black market.
Will this effect garage sales?
Oh. My. God.
I have three kids that almost all their clothes are yardsale and thrift store clothing. And if the clothes are priced higher for lead testing...
This is insane.
I think I just found a loophole.
Get a big ole stack of paper plates at your yard sale.
For every $2.00 paper plate you buy, you get a bundle of used clothes for FREE.
There, problem solved, haha
But it appears that big corps used the tainted products from China as an excuse to pass legislation that is designed to destroy small business and especially folks making craft-type items in their home and selling them online.
Does this law require that Hallmark (and others) send all birthday cards for 1-12 year olds out for tests, but not 13 and above. It really is a stupid piece of legislation.
Bad law not only doesn't help, it does damage.
So who voted for this and who voted against it?
I suspect a fair bit of pragmatism may go into the enforcement of this law. Alternatively, it may get rigidly enforced until it eventually gets tested in court and a pragmatic judge declares the law unenforceable.
That’s what would happen here in New Zealand, I hope that’s what would happen in the US...?
Ours too!
One of the reasons we could afford to homeschool was the savings in clothing. They kids were satisfied to wear fewer clothes, and those clothes were most often from the local Goodwill. I could completely outfit a kid for sometimes less than $50 a year. ( Except for shoes that were from Payless and underwear).
The savings in clothing alone paid for the homeschooing expenses.
Personally....If lobbyists want to fight this, they should get the homeschooling crowd activated. All the homeschoolers I knew ( and currently know) are very dependent on the thrift stores.
I can't tell you all how much baby girl clothing we've received from very generous friends who were willing to part with it. I know I plan to give it away to another young couple in the future once our childbearing days are finished.
Yup, the govt that has mortgaged children into socialist oblivion doesn’t want them to wear uninspected clothes.
The revolution is coming, chillens.
Please, please, select me to be on Pelosi’s firing squad.
Just ignore it.
We’ve got new law overload. Not enough people to enforce most laws anyway.
Mom Ping..............
One of 2 things will likely happen here.........Congress will see the error of its way (FAT CHANCE) and at least make an exemption for the resale industry or there will be massive sales at thrift and secondhand stores.
First there are proposed regulations to tax cow and pig farts and now we cannot donate our kids outgrown clothes to Vincent dePaul or Good Will. Reagan had it right we need to get government off people’s backs and out of their pocketbooks. Now if we can get some GOP leadership to once again follow this ideal.
once again I will quote the evil Planned Parenthood.
“keep your laws off of my body”
“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’”
Ronald Wilson Reagan
And yet the baby formula full the “any amount is dangerous, but better than starving your baby” melomine is okee dokee.
Maybe thrift stores could resell childrens’ clothing as clothing for adult midgets?
Don’t you just love it when laws like this sneak up on you?
Everyone freaked about lead in toys from China...
Wanted the Government to do something...
Boom~There it is...