You asked — “You had a president born in Canada? I didnt know that. How can that be?”
Well, there were “accusations” and there were “allegations” — but — no one was *able to prove it* — and thus, he became President...
Chester A. Arthur, 21st President of the United States.
Star Traveler, our resident Obama groupie.
Always here to run interference for da man.
Uses enough words —repetitively, ponderously, mindlessly for a dozen posters.
Figures if he keeps the noise blowing long and hard enough, he’ll exhaust people into retreat.
Well, there were accusations and there were allegations but no one was *able to prove it* and thus, he became President...
So, in other words .. it’s possible the system failed due to the purposeful deceit of the candidate and negligence of the respective officials, and the American people were duped.
You're leaving out the small detail of him becoming president because James Garfield was assassinated.
Sure, the qualifications to be VP are the same as to be president, so I guess we should ask for Biden's birth certificate, too.