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To: Blood of Tyrants
I knew that arguments based on his purported father's citizenship were doomed to fail, the language that mentioned "father" is archaic. Even without the Equal Rights Amendment, the SCOTUS has a history of striking out gender from laws.

Some thirty or forty years ago, they ruled that a tax break for a qualifying widow (who had dependent children) that allowed her to file at joint tax rates for two years also applied to similarly qualifying widowers. The fact that Obama's mother was a US citizen was plenty for them to dismiss this case.

Now, can we all take off the tinfoil hats and figure out how to fight this assclown's policies and initiatives?

92 posted on 12/08/2008 3:17:01 PM PST by hunter112 (We seem to be on an excrement river in a Native American watercraft without a propulsion device.)
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To: hunter112
"The fact that Obama's mother was a US citizen was plenty for them to dismiss this case."

To dismiss the case, yes, since it was based on a fallacious premise. But insufficient to establish Obama as a citizen at birth. His mother failed some residency requirements (not gender based) if he was born overseas due to her age.

96 posted on 12/08/2008 3:40:09 PM PST by calenel (The Democratic Party is a Criminal Enterprise. It is the Socialist Mafia.)
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