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To: pissant

found this while looking for someone

Freeper Lore

Newcomers may encounter these references from time to time on FR:
A+Bert - a grouchy and funny old icon around here for many years. On any given day he was banned for something (thanks blam, I remember now!). Reportedly still posts at Liberty Forum.

Anti-Freepers are an unorganized group of people, who, for one reason or another despise Free Republic, or FR founder Jim Robinson, and/or cannot tolerate the existence of a forum where conservatives gather to discuss news, policies, media bias and events. Some anti-freeper behavior borders on obsessive (some even stalk, or border on it). At least a couple have established anti-FR sites, and at least one operator of an anti-freeper site is actually a former freeper who got banned. See Ash, Eschoir.

Ash - a former liberal disruptor (see glossary) on FreeRepublic who posted under the screen name Ash or several variations thereof. He was at times witty, and his provocations occasioned some spirited and persuasive conservative apologetics on FR. Former regular freeper Don Morgan would post “Ash Alerts” on any thread Ash was suspected to be repying to.

Buckhead and TankerKC - Freepers who raised questions/proof regarding the documents Dan Rather used on 60 Minutes. Their efforts lead to the conclusion that the Documents were forged and Dan and the MSM were exposed. Also resulted in the term “pajama patrol” - see glossary. For the infamous post#47 that started it all go to: Documents Suggest Special Treatment for Bush in Guard [post 47]. See also Pajama Patrol Badge.

Bug Zapper Thread - Thread that allowed Giuliani supporters who also favored (or placed perceived winning over everything else) certain social/other values inconsistent with FreeRepublic’s stated values AND wanted to change those values and redefine social conservatism to come to the zapper, deliver their opus and move on. Will FR embrace socialism to make way for Rudy Giuliani as a Republican presidential candidate?

DITHF - is usually used now as an admonition to be suspicious or not so impressed or gullible regarding someone’s claims. It is a reference to a FReeper using the screen name “Deep In The Hurtgen Forest”. DITHF presented himself as a serviceman stationed in Germany, and posted many in-the-know “letters to home” type writings that were quite convincing. Eventually, though, due to some observant FReepers, some inconsistencies were noticed and revealed and DITHF was exposed (and, as I recall, confessed) as fake.

Chapter — FreeRepublic has several chapters including a few overseas. In the spring of 1998, a post for organizing a convention was started. The convention was to be held ib California. Since this was too far for many freepers, a convention began to be organized on the east coast. Bugbear began to organize a convention in the midwest. Bugbear later etablished the new organization as the first Chapter of FreeRepublic. We now have chapters all over the the US as well as Chapters in Japan, Australia, Singapore and Britain.

classygreeneyedblonde - Posed as a ditzy blonde often flirting with male FReepers. Always signed her name with rainbow text, and had a sultry, sexy blonde pic on her profile page. Once ‘she’ was discovered to be a he, many FReepers had to rapidly backpeddle to the amusement of the FReepettes. Posted the “Can anyone else look at the sun and see anything” titled vanity with the following text: “I have been sitting here for the last 45 mins looking straight at the sun. there is a host over the sun so i can look at it..its a sign a miracle.. can anyone else look at the sun and see anything”. Banned from FR in 2002. (thanks fnord)

Eschoir - (see anti-freeper) is an attorney in the DC area who has been a liberal disruptor (see glossary) on FR for several years. His original screen name, Eschoir, has long been banned so he creates a new one every time he shows up. He routinely posts an inflammatory article hangs around for a while and then is banned. He operates several anti-FR message boards on Yahoo. Photo of Eschoir can be found here

Fusion - FReeper who turned out to be a fraud. His dramatic prose and lofty predictions regarding the Balkans and Russia earned him scorn and derision. He was eventually banned but he had his fans! Fusion presented himself as one with key political connections and in the know but may be better described as “a senior spymaster for the Albanian desk back at the circus” (see Fusion’s Fractured Fairy Tale). (thanks, Incorrigible)

Legendary FreeRepublic Flame Wars, to my experience and IMHO, have a common denominator: A FReeper who tries to hijack as his personal venue of leadership or fame, or is dead set on insinuating his or her view on all others and “destroying” or excluding infidels. Seems such a thing never fails to bring a withering assault of flaming posts as all guns are brought to bear, to the consternation of whatever followers said FReeper may have managed to gather to him or herself. I’ll name no names, but there have been a couple of Flame Wars that were doozies. At times it was hard to keep up with all the opuses. =)

Freeper Island — a thread that grew from a Freeper’s announcement on another thread that if things continued, he would move to an island. Much of the original thread has been preserved HERE. The term “Hijacked to Freeper Island” refers to any thread that veers from its original subject into “anarchistic mirth” (for lack of a better term) around a completely different subject.

FreeRepublic Memorial Wall - see FreeRepublic Memorial Wall - In honor of those FReepers who now rest from the labors of life. Their voices may have been silenced, but their words and deeds will never be forgotten.

FRN - Free Republic Network. Started in 2001 by Nick Danger, Interesting Times, The Shrew, Minute Gal, Diotima, abner BobJ and Doughtyone. The first nationwide FReep was orgainized in response to the election debacle and culminated in over 200 rallies. In April 2003, over 250 rallies were held. (thanks, BobJ)

Hobbit Hole - started by FReepers who loved Tolkien and were sick of the lefties using LOTR [Lord of The Rings] to claim that there should be no such thing as war and that Tolkien would have wanted the West to lay down and die in the face of its enemies. The group established the Hobbit Hole Knife project to supply soldiers with knives free of charge. As of August, 2006 the HH Knife project had shipped over 1600 knives. For more information, go to: The Freeper Hobbit Hole. (thanks Alkhin and HairOfTheDog). Hobbitt Hole III was the first thread to hit 65535 replies in September, 2003 (Lil’freeper).

JimRob - Jim Robinson - need I say more (if you still don’t get this one, see JimRob - Jim Robinson in the Glossary; and shame on you!). First to meet Jim and get pictures (July 4, 1998, Fresno Park): Badjoe, WillaJohns, BobJ and Clintons a liar (thanks, BobJ)

March For Justice — A Washington DC rally organized by Freepers to express support and encouragement for Congress during impeachment proceedings. Speakers included Alan Keyes, Larry Klayman, Gary Aldrich and many others. Sometimes referred to simply as the MFJ.

My neighbor’s dog brought home a human skull, what - Title of an ‘interesting’ thread posted by jilley. see: My neighbor’s dog brought home a human skull, what Note: She hasn’t posted since, at least not as jilley (thanks, Jet Jaguar)

Pic Rule - Unofficial, but strictly enforced rule that pictures of unpleasant liberal women must be accompanied by pictures of beautiful women; if beautiful women are mentioned a picture must follow (and inevitably controlled by Helen Thomas) (thanks NonLinear and dinasour). Specific rules follow:
1. If your post mentions Ann Coulter or Michelle Malkin, you must post a pic of her.
2. Female equivalent to the Ann Coulter rule. The Bibi (Netanyahu) and Bill Sammon’s rule. Followed by the word THUD in bold. “Thud” refers to the sound made by Freepettes when they hit the floor after swooning over various males of the species.
3. Maureen Dowd (MoDo) is accompanied by Catherine Zeta Jones (because actor Michael Douglas dumped her for Zeta Jones).
4. Posting of Catherine Zeta Jones are usually followed by a post of a Maureen Dowd pic
5. If your post mentions Michael Douglas, you must post a pic of Catherine Zeta Jones.
6. If your post mentions Sarah Palin (aka “Barracuda” or “Sarahcuda” - a high school nickname derived from her athletic prowess), you must post a pic of her and/or her husband Todd (for the FReepettes).
7. Helen Thomas - Whenever any of Rules #1 - #6 are invoked, it will sooner or later become obligatory to post a pic of Helen Thomas. I think this was instituted as the FR equivalent of spiking the thread with saltpeter...
8. If Helen Thomas is mentioned, a picture will be posted. Groans usually follow. See also Helen Thomas in Freeper Pictures/Images.

quidam — like DITHF, “quidam” is a FReeper screen name. Quidam was noted for his unique posting style — one or two short, cryptic sentences, maybe a sentence fragment, and his posts were always signed twice. That is, not only did it appear automatically as it does on all replies, he also typed in his screen name to close each of his posts. Because of the nature of his posts and writing style, one could infer he was a knowledgeable, high-placed, anonymous Beltway insider. He spoke of such things as the dark and mysterious “men in suits” who would ultimately render a decision to Bill Clinton and remove him from office. Although ulimately discredited as an insider, his posts were among the most entertaining and memorable from the pre-impeachment era. He was a popular contributor and among the most well-known FReepers at the time. Unlike DITHF, Quidam occasionally still posts to FR, and he (or she?) is usually greeted with a wave of nostalgia. =) Quidam has been accused of being none other than Matt Drudge (just a rumor).

Shower pictures - shower reference is to a thread where a woman was close to some breaking news (either physically or near someone important to her), nobody was sure what was going on, and while all the excitement was still happening and nothing resolved she announced she’d just gotten out of the shower and asked for updates. Hence, the showers show up as something is about to happen. Brytani admits to being the “showergirl” here. Also, RaceBannon admits to being the first to post about going to the shower - sorry RB, you kinda asked for it. Here is the original thread Breaking News BWI Airport. Brytani stated: “FoxNews broke into their programming about 5 minutes ago with a story about BWI Airport. Unfortunately I was getting into the shower and missed most of it. Can anyone tell me what is going on? My husband is flying out of BWI today to come home so I’m VERY concerned.” (thanks doubled, dales, Brytani)

Sore Loserman - A mock up of the Gore Lieberman 2000 sign was made by Michigan freepers that said “Sore Loserman”. A small tear drop hang off the end of the lettering. Freeper protestestors waved these signs in key spots during the recount of votes and the court trials, which were to decide the fate of the country as to who would be president. During Thanksgiving week of 2000, the sign was shown repeatedly in the press on the air and in print. The sign was apparently designed by CPL BAUM, Registered, Spiff, and Mass Exodus.

The Other Harry - FReeper who put up some classic threads such as: Advice on buying a pony, Compulsively counting, Turning over my neighbor’s picnic table, Mistakes I have made, They messed-up my radio buttons, Cleaning ear wax? and the not to be missed What makes your urine orange/yellow vs. clear?. Unfortunately, The Other Harry passed away in 2005. responsibility2nd has a tribute on their profile page. (Thanks responsibility2nd)

The “Test: Do Not Reply” or “Please ignore, this is just a test post” vanity, was a thread posted by a freeper which grew spontaneously as many posted their intentions to dutifully obey and ignore the thread. It became a monstrous runaway with 300+ responses covering everything from ancient Assyria to Monty Python. As long as it was available, it occasionally was bumped again, so apparently, it had to be dumped.

Trixie — Nickname of Lucianne Goldberg, once a frequent and well-liked contributor to FreeRepublic. Goldberg came to Conservative fame due to her association and involvement with Linda Tripp.
(Time Magazine’s early take on Goldberg’s rise to conservative prominence.)

At some point there were those who thought FR should be only and exclusively Republican.
There were also those (including Jim Robinson himself) who thought the forum should stand for and work toward a return to true Constitutional standards of government no matter which party or candidate.
A heated philosophical struggle began, resulting in The Great Lucianne Exodus and the establishment of Jim Robinson wished them all good luck in their endeavors and to this day still posts banner links to what is variously referred to as and I Love Lucy. Trixie, incidentally, is credited with coining the term “FReeper”.

Undead Thread - Lengthy Zot threads that never seem to end (a large variety of topics are discussed: see: why do you guys keep banning me? (Zot! Because we can) (Juwish modz totally rewl!) - first of the undead threads, post 41083 describes “what we are all about”. From sionnsar: Threads themselves come to an abrupt end at post #65534. (We know, because we took our very first thread to that point.) The mods don’t like that, so we now move to a new Zot thread at the end of every month, at which time we’ve accumulated 4000 to 6000 posts.

Walter Reed FReeps - The DC Chapter of FreeRepublic has held a weekly troop-support rally at the entrance to Walter Reed Army Medical Center since March, 2005, to greet our wounded troops and their families. This rally began as a counterprotest to an anti-war “vigil” by Code Pink and other leftist groups that gathered every Friday evening at the entrance to WR. After facing off across the street for the first 40 weeks, FReepers and Protest Warriors captured the permits to all four corners of the entrance in 2006, pushing the anti-war “vigil” to an obscure site a block away ever since. Our larger and more visible rally now focuses solely on celebrating the troops. (thanks, Albion Wilde and trooprally)

Web Site Claims GI Captured in Iraq Thread - A 2005 thread with a media report with seemingly bad news. It rapidly drew suspicion once, FReepers, and others looked at the picture of the “captured soldier”. It only took a few posts to figure outd that a GI Joe doll was in terrorist hands! See Web Site Claims GI Captured in Iraq

World Trade Center Thread - A sad historical thread. The thread provides a minute by minute account of 9/11. Thread started by “Oldeconomybuyer” at 8:52am on 9/11 (2001). World Trade Center (thanks, Republican Red)

Zot - Origninated by Admin Moderator: There are one or two individuals who, for whatever reason, enjoy signing up new accounts here every single day to post leftist drivel. Sometimes they are vanities from DemocraticUnderground. Sometimes they are articles from other far-left sources. Sometimes they are nothing but vile doctored images or profanity laced tirades. Sometimes they are from legitimate sources but happen to strike the eye of the poster as being something that would infuriate conservatives.

The posters in question always post the articles, and then don’t reply. They then post other articles, again not replying. This was going on for months. Jim would confirm by looking at the IP addresses and other aspects of the user’s ‘footprint’ that it was the returning troll, and we would nuke the accounts. This went on for months.

Then some of the opportunists who wanted to harm the forum started a whispering campaign, complaining about articles being deleted. They would play off of the fact that the trolls’ articles were being pulled to complain that there was some sort of agenda of squelching legitimate conservative postings going on by the moderators.

One day I decided to try something new. I decided, instead of letting the trolls get what they want and have their posts up as flame bait, and instead of pulling the threads outright, I would move their post aside and replace it with something that hopefully others would find humorous. I would do this out in the forum for all to see. The original piece would be available through the history link for the curious, who could see if there was some sort of censorship campaign going on. And the freepers could have fun mocking the troll if they so liked.

It so happens that the way I did it the first time was using a screen shot from Caddyshack, where the pastor gets hit by a lightning bolt. Being a bit of a fan of the comic strip “B.C.” I captioned the photo with the lightning bolt sound that Johnny Hart used in his strip- ZOT! That is where the term Zot originated.

Now, sometimes we “zot”, and sometimes we simply pull it. It depends on a number of factors, including how busy we are at the time. But whenever you see a Zot, you can be sure that the user was a ‘newbie’ who was doing their hit-and-run posting, and that if you as a well-established freeper thought the article would have made an interesting discussion, then you could probably post the same piece yourself without incident (although the most vile of the stuff probably would get pulled, and Jim reserves the right to remove anyone who he feels is constantly trying to push leftist propaganda on the forum). Anyway, that is the history and background behind zotting

341 posted on 11/10/2008 8:03:32 AM PST by Rightly Biased (McCain is the reason Sarah Lost <><)
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To: Rightly Biased

Hey, thanks for posting so much FR lore. I’m not exactly a newcomer, but there were definitely some fat holes in my knowledge of FR history.

432 posted on 11/15/2008 1:10:36 PM PST by TXBlair (Delightfully tacky since 1974)
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To: Rightly Biased
Ash - a former liberal disruptor (see glossary) on FreeRepublic who posted under the screen name Ash or several variations thereof. He was at times witty, and his provocations occasioned some spirited and persuasive conservative apologetics on FR. Former regular freeper Don Morgan would post “Ash Alerts” on any thread Ash was suspected to be repying to.

How could I forget that one. An icon in the early days, around for years with different variations of screen names.

452 posted on 11/20/2008 9:50:54 AM PST by TruthWillWin
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